11 | Confrontation

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I just can’t seem to stop writing whoops

But anyway, this story just turned out to not be a comedy after all (maybe about 3 chapters ago LOL WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT THO)

Anyway, hang on for the ride, folks!

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"Let me get this straight. You and Rob had a one night stand, and now you're pregnant? What the fuck, Kristen?" Alicia was yelling, her hands on her hips as she was furious at what her girlfriend had just told her. 

"Listen to me, Al! Just fucking listen for once!" Kristen was furious as well, raising her voice to match hers.  "You can't just scream at me like that without listening to me, okay? It was before we got together. You know that."

"Kristen, I don't think I can handle this." Alicia raised her hands. "I'm sorry, I just- I just have to go. I'm sorry." She quickly got her things, getting ready to leave. 

"Alicia, don't do this to me. Please, don't." Kristen started to sob, her arms wrapped around herself as she tried to keep herself together. 

"Kris, I love you, but this is too much to ask. I can't handle this yet. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Alicia said, wiping the tears away from her eyes as she closed the door behind her.

Kristen was left standing there, clutching her dressrobe around her, watching the one good thing in her life walk away from her. 

She didn't want to bother Robert, because she wanted him to be happy, because he deserved the happiness that she once took away from him, even if it meant he would be happy with someone else. 

She looked down, rubbed her stomach gently, feeling the warmth inside. Even if it took everything she had, she tried to be strong, not only for herself, but for the both of them.

With a sniffle, she whispered into the air. "Guess it's just you and me, little guy."


"What's gonna happen then?" Tahliah asked, furrowing her eyebrows as Robert explained their situation. "I don't want to get in the middle of you two. This is just...too complicated, Rob."

"Come on, Tahl. It is. It's crazy, and unreal. But Kristen and I aren't together anymore. We just happen to be having a baby together. The important thing is my future is with you. I just wanted to know, if that includes my future child." He takes her hand, giving her a look filled with hope. 

"I really want to make us work, Rob." She says, a sad smile on her face. 

"I really want that too.” She pauses for a few seconds, holding her breath before she replies.

"Then let's do it. Let's make this relationship work."

"What?" He lights up, checking to see if he heard her correctly.

"Seriously. Why not? I mean, maybe we'll have children of our own, you know? I can't wait to meet your little tyke." She grins widely. 

"Oh my god. Thank you." He gives her a passionate kiss, hugging her tightly. "I love you." He whispers into her ear. She runs her hands across his back, murmuring in response. "I love you, too."

————— ————— — 

“Aww, Baby girl. Come here.” Sienna murmured, soothing Kristen by letting her rest her head on her lap. “Tom and I will always be here for you, you know that right? And you’re going to be one hell of a mom. You’re so great with Marlowe, and I’m sure you’ll do great with your little one."

Kristen was still puffy eyed, clutching her blanket as she listened to Sienna. She was still in complete shock as the events of the morning slowly started to sink in, and tears just seemed to keep on flowing down her face.

“I just.. I still can’t believe that she left me. It hurts, Sienna. Is there something wrong with me? I can’t, I just…” She starts to sob again. Sienna eases her up, trying to calm her down. 

“Kris, love. Nothing is wrong with you, or your baby. If she can’t handle this situation you’re in, then she doesn’t deserve you. Okay?"

“Why do people always leave me?” Kristen asks, her voice barely coming out as a whisper.

“Kris, you know that’s not true."

“First, Robert. Now, Al. This is too much. It’s like every relationship I’m in isn’t meant to last.” She groaned, throwing her head back against the couch.

“You have to stop thinking like this, Kris. You’re a wonderful person, and you’ll do just fine. You’ve done great the past 26 years, who says you won’t do great in the next years, too?” Sienna hugs Kristen tightly, kissing her on the head. Sure, Kristen had a lot of ups and downs, but she was tough and strong as hell, and Sienna believed that Kristen would make it through everything.

“Tom’s gonna be here soon. You sure you’ll be okay?” Sienna asks, still concerned about the welfare of her friend. 

“Yeah. Go on. Say hi to Marlowe for me.” She says, managing to bring a small smile to her lips.

“Will do, baby girl.” She kissed her forehead again, saying goodbye as she heard the honking of Tom’s car outside the house.

As the door slammed shut, Kristen turned on the television. Although bright and blurry images appeared across the big screen, she still couldn’t manage to keep her thoughts away from her problems.


The doorbell rang, making Kristen jump out of her seat. It was late in the evening, and she wasn’t expecting any more visitors. Cautiously approaching the front door, she peeked through the peephole and saw a figure she wasn’t expecting.

She quickly unlocked the door, her hands shaking as she couldn’t get it open fast enough.

As the door flew open, the words filled the air and knocked the breath out of her.

“Marry me, Kristen."

——— ———— 


bye I’m off to sleep. See you tomorrow, probably.

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