93: Sam

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Standing impatiently in the Skerby door-room, Sam waited until Briant finished his obeisance before praising him once more for his excellent investigative skills — questioning the Notary had been a stroke of genius.

Briant had reluctantly given over the crude likeness of the seal. The paper was tucked in Sam's pocket.

"Grandmaster, are you sure you wouldn't have me take it for identification?" Briant repeated.

"I'm sure, absolutely sure," Sam said, patting the travl-wizard on the shoulder and propelling him towards the Eighalh door. "I'll want it, when I talk to Bartle's daughter about her origins."

Sam knew what it was, of course, for his sister had belonged to the same secret sisterhood. The seal proved that the taverner had held back during his interview, but he had to secure the girl first, before sorting out Bartle.

Baldwin paced in front of the portal door to Stakkr.

Pity he could not send Baldwin home, too, leaving no hostile witness with him if Dax owned his indiscretion. There must be a way to exonerate his son. Much depended on what the Bartle girl had to say.

He brushed Baldwin's arm. "Ready?"

Sam wondered what waited on the other side. Magically, he outmatched Ritter. Stroking the silver at his wrists, he hoped the power bands would hold him superior within the castle. Jarryd was next to useless, but Dax... Dax would would be loyal to Olivia.

Before Baldwin could activate the door control, the orange warning light flashed. The black privacy screen, unique to Stakkr, replaced the wooden door.

The wizards stepped aside to allow for the incomer.


Sam blinked at Dax. "Son," he responded and, without thinking, he opened his arms. Dax's bags thumped to the floor and they hugged, clasped forearms, and exchanged grins.

Baldwin harrumphed. "Grandmaster."

Sam lowered his hands and stepped back. He straightened the medallion on his chest. "Why are you in Skerby?" Sam winced. He should not question his son in front of Baldwin.

Dax's smile vanished. "I'm here to right a wr-."

"Why are you half naked?" Sam interrupted. "Haven't you mastered unshaping, yet? Gods above, we have first grade cladlings do it fully-clothed."

Dax looked down, untying his shirtsleeves. "Mother's wizard got in our way," he mumbled. He glanced behind him, at the Stakkr portal.

"Our?" queried Sam.

Baldwin spoke at the same time. "If you're looking for your brother, he scarpered when he saw us," he said. "Grandmaster, they're all guilty. We will have the lot of them."

"Slow down, Master Wizard Baldwin," Sam said. "Son, how many guards, yonder?"

"None awake in the lower castle. A couple up top. Ritter's incapacitated." Dax tucked in his shirttails. "If you have come for the girl, there's no one to stop you."

At least, Dax was helping, Sam thought. That worked in his favour.

"Except Mother, maybe," Dax added.

"We'll see about that." Baldwin growled. "I'm going in."

"After you." Sam waved his second-in-command forward, resisting the urge to laugh.

Oblivious to the built-in magic dampeners, Baldwin stepped into the portal.

"Dax, watch what you say," Sam said. "Don't incriminate yourself."

Dax repeated his intention to right a wrong but, before Sam could comment, his son had hurried through the portal.

Sam stood a moment, squeezing the bridge of his nose between finger and thumb. He checked the medallion and tugged on his sleeves. Damned tailor. He needed a new jacket, along with food and sleep.

Blowing out the breath he held, Sam crossed into Castle Stakkr.


7 April 2017 - replaced with revised scene

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