Chapter 17

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A/N - My writing has changed slightly, either I've improved or got worse, there's no inbetween but I'm trying to finish this for you guys! ❤ I cant keep up with the dates, please don't kill me. I don't understand what i wrote either lmao


After our meal, we got up ready to leave. I offered to pay since Harry's panties were in a very tight knot. He wanted to pay too, but it was seriously uncomfortable, the fact that the atmosphere was so intense. James didn't even serve any other customers, he was just watching us closely.

Before we left, I caught James going to the staff only room. The kitchen perhaps. That's good, his presence was more than enough tonight. Harry was talking to Britney, with his arms on my waist. We head out, saying our thanks to the other staff for the meal.

After getting out, we were heading to Harry's car. Harry was opening the car door on the other side as I stood on one side of the car with Britney, talking to her and waiting for Harry. Suddenly, I look to Harry's side and I see a black silhouette approaching him, before I could take action. Harry's back slams on the car door. It was James, I could feel his filthy presence from here.

Quick on my feet, I head to Harry, only to get pushed back by James. Harry manages to push James, making him stumble backwards, tripping on a rock. Harry now had the upper hand, sitting on James and landing countless punches on James and I actually felt sick to the stomach. It was so brutal for me to take in.

"Harry! Enough, just hand him to the police! Britney's calling them!" I yell tugging at his arm.

He doesn't listen to me.

My face was soaked in tears at this point, still trying to stop Harry with all the power I had. But, he was too strong. Way too strong.

Harry slows down and he turns to me, he gets up from James. James face isn't bladly damaged from what I see but it was enough to make my legs go weak, not the good kind.

I wobble and when my legs were about to give up, Harry catches me. And how odd, the police arrives. I was holding on Harry, not because I was scared but because I was weak, my energy was drained from the fight, unlike Harry who was actually involved.

"HARRY LOOK OUT!" Britney yells from behind us, and with his quick reflexes, Harry and I turn to see that James was about to hit Harry with a rock but the cops caught him just on time. I breathed heavily, scared to death. Something would have happened to him. I look back and see that Britney was looking so pale, and I smile weakly at her to which she nods.

This time, I actually hug Harry because I was worried and eased up because he was safe.

After the fight, we were at the police station where Britney explained everything since I was too weak to do anything. I just sat, totally blanked out. Harry was excused as the police deemed his actions as defense and they knew that it was James who started both the first offences.

We got out of the police station by  11:37PM and Harry dropped Britney home, I felt bad that she had to get caught up. I apologised several times to which she said it was okay. I also apologised to her mom because I kept her out, we didn't mention anything else about what happened. With that, Harry drove us home.

My brother... Is he home yet...? Should I tell him about Harry. Ugh whatever, I'll deal with it if he finds out.

We arrive at my front door, I take out my spare key and opened the door but it was still locked? Wait what? Holy mother flying piece of potato shit! Kyler's home! I hesitantly ring the bell, I can hear the lock rumbling inside after a few seconds. The door is opened revealing a shirtless Kyler and I hug him, almost forgetting that Harry is beside me... I let go of him and I see he's already looking at Harry. Well... Kylie, guess what you'll be doing tonight. Narration, literature, history, chemistry - oh, so much homework...


So, there ya go! Huehue i will likely to be ending the story soon but I will add all the stuff for you, don't fret. I will add the scenes yall nastehs like and also the epilogue huehuehuehuehue stayyyy tuneddd love yaaaa x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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