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I could hear the soft plops of water that leaked from somewhere, providing some noise to the desolate room.

There was a repugnant smell that from what I could assume, was coming from me, and just thinking about it made me cringe and shudder in disgust.

When was it that I last took a shower?

I shuddered from the mere thought. I shouldn't think to much of it, and instead take care of myself. I need to be in tip top shape if I want to escape.

With that in mind, I slowly got out of the bed and trudged towards the room as slowly as I can move.

Why am I suddenly optimistic? Do I really believe I can escape? Am I really confident in this plan?

My mind froze at the thought. I can't dwell further into this. I don't want to jinx my chances of escaping— if there even came to be one.

A chill ran up my body as my bare feet made contact with the cold floor. My skin crawled at the thought of this room filled with mirrors.

My attention was brought to the chilly air that brought goosebumps on my skin. With a slow pace, I made my way further into the room.

I flinched at my reflection.

I looked like– the grudge? Or maybe like a corpse that was tossed into the river and suddenly resurrected after days and was now on the hunt for revenge.

My dried lips cracked and stung as a small twitch threatened to bring a small smile to my gloomy self.

I didn't even notice I was bare and under the shower head, until cold droplets of water sprayed for a split second, soon replaced with warmed water.

There was a slight steam around me, rising and traveling in the room, almost suffocating me, but my attention was on the line that ran across my hand. It was red, and really thin, with a scab already forming.

Small stings came about from droplets that pelted the wound, alarming me.

Can I really do it?

My eyes closed.

Inhale. Exhale.

You have too!

I bit the inside of my cheek.

Can I really?

I'm weak... always dead last in PE.

I'll definitely get caught and be killed.

My eyes opened and stared at the drain as I suddenly felt like crumpling to the floor and crying.


I clenched my fist.

I can't back down before I can even start– if I die, then that means I can escape from him, so I can't fear him. Death or freedom, either way, I escape from him and this hell.

"But how do I go about it?"

The water stopped and immediately, my skin was assaulted by the cold draft in the basement.

There was footsteps that echoed, catching my attention. My heart sped up as a blur passed by the doorless opening in the room, frightening me.

Cold droplets of water trailed down my spine as I slowly inched towards the other room.

Was he here?

Did he figure out my plan?

What should I do?!

My eyes scanned the room before landing on the small pile on the bed.


I flinched at the sudden slam of the door.

He was angry.

My body stilled. Why?


My eyes were trained on one of the wall mirrors, examining it, as if it would reveal the many secrets that it knew.

I sighed, my body rolling over and now facing the opposite direction.

I jolted at the sudden sound that began. Immediately, my attention went to the door that sealed my fate in this room. It was shaking.

I sat up on the bed and inched away, ready to either run or hide.

Suddenly, a metallic clang alarmed me, eyes now trained on the rectangular piece of door laying on the floor. Replacing it was a mass of black that after a few seconds was moved aside and revealed a lone wide eye peeking into the room. I screamed.

His eye watched me, studying me before pulling away and dragging something on the concrete ground.


I eyed the tray wearily while my ears listened to him.

There was a grunt before heavy footsteps followed. I let out a shaky breathe and collapsed onto the bed.

No way was I going to eat anything from him again.

His To Keep (Jeff the Killer)Where stories live. Discover now