Wolfblood: We have each other

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It was the day after Maddy had just left Rhydian, Tom, and Shan on the hill as the sun set. Maddy can already feel her heart sobbing as she thought of how she had to leave everything she loved behind. Her parents kept telling her that everything would be alright and that they will return once Dr.Whitewood was gone. She didn't listen to them and only thought about the kiss. The last thing rhydian and her had to tie them together forever. The one thing that made Maddy fall even more for rhydian. She knew these next few years were going to be torture but if it meant being with rhydian again, she'd push through it.

"Maddy, seriously, you need to just think about now and stop bein sad. Your makin me sad." Emma said looking at maddy with stress and sadness for her daughter clouding her eyes.

"I can't help it mom! I miss them! i miss Rhydian! And Janna just reminds of him!" Maddy yells letting all of her pent up anger at her mom.

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady! Look maddy, I get that you miss Rhydian. I mean if I had to leave your father like this I would be crying too, but for now please just keep your head up."

"Sorry mom, I'll try." Maddy said with sad eyes but soon became strong like when Rhydian was going to leave the first time but divided against it.

Back at stonybridge, Shan and Tom spent most of their time discussing all the fun memories they had with maddy. Rhydian never went outside except for at school. Even then he stayed in the dark room alone. Tom every once in a while tries to talk to him but Rhydian just ignores him. The Vaughn's are starting to get very worried about him. His grades are going down and he just stays in his room drawing maddy and him together. He's disconnecting himself from all of his surroundings.

He's lost without her.

----------4 years later-------------

"Hey mom, I'm going to go for a walk in the woods. If Janna needs me tell her that I went hunting." Maddy said quickly to leave.

"Ok be back before dinner please!" Emma shouts so maddy could hear her as she ran down the dirt path and into the trees. As maddy runs through the woods towards Stoneybridge, Emma and Daniel have a chat.

"What are we going to do? She just sits around all day. A rock would be more useful!" Emma says exasperated, worry lacing her voice.

"What can we do? We ask her to do one thing and she does the exact opposite. We just have to wait until she comes out of this phase. Maybe after this walk she will be somewhat happier." Daniel said with a concerned face. Emma sighs and sits on the cot by the far wall.

"What phase, Daniel? It's been four years! Four years. I don't think a phase can last four years." Emma throws down the towel in her hand and attempts to rubs the stress out of her face.

"Rhydian!!" Maddy runs to him and kisses him gently on the lips. "I've missed you so much!" Maddy whispers as rhydian wraps his pale arms around her small body.

"I've missed you too," he connects their lips softly. "I think people are starting to notice." He chuckles. "So how is it being on the wild for once?" He asks leaning back to see Maddys face.

"Well, I haven't really been doing that much." Maddy says and looks anywhere but his eyes. She silently wishes to herself that he wouldn't ask her what she meant by that.

"Yeah, I understand. The first few months I was in the pack had me a bit down. I missed you and this place so I just stayed in the den." Rhydian said with a smile. He grabbed Maddys hand and started walking around the area.

"Good. I didn't want you to think I was weird or something" Maddy said with a sigh of relief. They got to the river and sat down on a huge rock over looking the rushing water.

"How's Ceri and Bryn doing?"

"They seem fine but it's obvious that they miss you." Maddy answered. Rhydian looked down at the ground. "What's wrong?" Maddy intertwined her fingers with his.

"Nothing. It's just that sometimes I wonder what it would be like if....if I hadn't left them." It got silent. The river stopped flowing, the wind stopped blowing, nothing made a sound. Maddy looked at Rhydian with wide eyes.

"But that doesn't matter because I have you now right and if I had stayed we would never be like this." Rhydian said with urgency to break the silence. Maddy simply nodded slowly in response. "Hey, Tom and Shan are waiting for you at the restaurant. Let's go see them."They both stood up and walked to Bernie's. Tom and Shan were sitting closely studying for a big test.

"Tom! Shan!" Maddy let go of Rhydians hand and ran to hug the duo.

"Maddy what in the world are you doin back here?!" Shan yelled happily "Dr.whitewood hasn't gotten called crazy yet! It still might not be safe." Shan whispered checking out of the window behind Maddy.

"Oh whatever Shan!" Tom said. "So Maddy, how's it goin?" Tom asked engulfing Maddy in a welcoming bear hug.

"It's great but not as great as this!" They sat down together at their usual table and filled Maddy in about the Ks and what trouble Jimi was up to.


"Oh wow it's late!" Maddy said after taking a peak at Rhydians watch.

"Yeah I've been gone all day. I should be getting back before my foster parents thing I've run away again."

"Do you really have to go? I mean you just got here!" Shan said disagreeing with life.

"I have to get back. Mom said I had to be home by dinner. I wish I could stay but I can't." They say their farewells and the friends depart from each other.

"Rhydian can you walk me back?" Maddy asked with a grin on her face.

"Yeah, I'll get to see everyone again!"

"I'll race ya!" Maddy pushes Rhydian and they begin to run towards the wild. Laughing every step of the way and every funny memory they had when they used to skip school to just run into the woods.


Hi so I'm new and this is my first fan fic! It gets even better and more drama as you read on! I hoped you liked it! BYE!!

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