Catching up

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Maddy's POV

It has been a week since we got back. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to be put in foster care. A sudden knock woke Me and Rhydian up. "Did you expect anybody?" Rhydian asked sleepily. I shook my head and went to answer the door. Tom was standing there with a huge smile. "When were you going to tell me you were back?" He invited himself inside. "How did you find out?" I asked him. "I was walking back here and saw lights on last night. I didn't stop because I didn't want to yet." He paused. "So your all by yourself." As soon as he said that Rhydian came out. "Tom? What are you doing here?" Rhydian asked. "Oh." He looked at me then to Rhydian. "Just wanted to stop by." He didn't seem as happy now. "Uh would you like some hot chocolate?" He said yes and I made some for all of us." Is Shan really in rehab?" I asked. We exchanged looks. He looked nervous now. "No. She's out now. She had a plan to make dr. Whitewood be pur in rehab and it back fired onto her." I feel sorry for her now. I totally blew her off not knowing what she was planning to do. "She kept telling me sorry." I said. "She told me that she didn't know that Dr.Whitewood do that to you. If she didn't do anything that she did Dr. Whitewood wouldn't be in rehab." I wish she were here. I stared at my floating marshmallows in my cup. "Why didn't you invite her?" I asked. I think they were tired of talking about Shan. "I did she just didn't want to come. How long have you been back?" He directed the question towards Rhydian. I got up and went into my room. I shut the door behind me. I heard Tom leave and Rhydian shut the door behind Tom. He walked into my room. "Are you ok?" Rhydian took my hand. "Yeah." I was at lose of words. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a box of photos. I sat down on my bed. Rhydian jumped to my side. We started with the one on top. The picture book of me and Shan was laying on top. I could feel tears form in my eyes. "I really miss her." I set it down and leaned on Rhydians shoulder. "I know. We will find her again." Rhydian held me in his arms. "I hate how much we have to hide." I said still crying. "Me too. Tom told me that after this year our class will graduate. I couldn't believe it but we are." I knew exactly why he told me that. When we graduate we will be adults and adults don't need parents. Now that's all that I hope for. We finished looking at all of the pictures. There were so many of us just being wierd. Those were my favorites. I put the box away while Rhydian went to make lunch. I heard a Big Bang and ran out into the living room.

Authors note:

I know it's not exciting but I'm just not feeling creative today. BYE!!

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