Rhydian chapter 4

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"What? how could he be in trouble already? We just saw him yesterday." Emma looked at Daniel and then to Maddy.

"Well, mom, A lot can happen in a days time." Maddy said with annoyance.

"She's right Em." Daniel said.

"I know, its feels like we are constantly having to save him." Maddy's eyes turned yellow at her mothers words.

"It gives me somethin' to do doesn't it. So you don't have to constantly worry about me doin absolutely nothing all day!" Maddy stormed off in search for Rhydian.

"Aw Maddy! Wait!" Daniel shouted and ran to catch up with her. "Maddy come on! Stop!" Emma follows slightly behind Daniel.

"No! Not until we find him!" Maddy yells and starts to run faster ahead of her dad. They kept running until she reached his house.

"His sent has faded so he must have left a while ago." Daniel had the best sense of smell in the family. He took the lead.

"I hope he's alright." Maddy whispered to herself. They started to walk now. Emma waited for Maddy to catch up to her so they could talk.

"Maddy there is something that I think you should know. This could also help you find Rhydian." Emma started.

"What is it mom?"

"When two wolfbloods truly love each other, they could talk though their thoughts."

"So you mean if I think about him or ask him a question in my mind, he can hear me?" Maddy looked confused. She had never heard of anything so bazar.

"Yes but you have to be mates. I think you should give it a try." Emma looked at Maddy for an answer but there wasn't one because questions were already flooding her head. Maddy thought for a while of what was the best question to ask first.

"Rhydian where are you?" She finally asked in her mind.

Rhydian just sat on his little bed in the little room. "Rhydian......are....you" He looked around for a moment.

"I must be going crazy" he whispered to himself Then began doing what he was already doing, staring at the wall in front of him.

"Its Maddy"

"Mads?" He said aloud.

"please...say...something" How would she hear him if he said something out loud. Maddy was getting worried that he was dead or severely injured.

"Maddy i'm fine but I think i'm at a science lab or some place." Rhydian thought to himself. All maddy heard was "I'm fine....science...lab" Maddy sprung into action with a big smile.

"Mum it worked! He's at the University. In the science lab!" She screamed while running. Emma and Daniel followed her.

"How do you know maddy?" Her dad questioned.

"I just do now come on!"

"Maddy...Small room with no windows." Rhydian hoped she could find him. All he wanted to do was live with Maddy and never be away from her.

"HE'S IN A SMALL ROOM WITH NO WINDOWS!" Maddy shouted as loud as she could so that her parents which were far away from her now could hear. "Rhydian, We're coming" She thought. they finally got to the University in no time. They could faintly smell him in the the long hallways of the science wing. They now could figure out who was behind all of this. His sent was fairly fresh as they trailed down a couple more corridors. They followed it to double doors that where locked. Maddy walked up to a woman who looked like she worked there.

"Excuse me I came out of here and left my purse inside. Could you open it for me?" She tried to put on a convincing exterior so the woman would believe her.

"Sure, uh let me call a custodian to let you in." While she was waiting on the custodian Maddy thought that she would talk to Rhydian.

"Rhydian are you still ok?" It took him a while to respond.

"Yeah just cant wait to see you again." Maddy blushed and chuckled a little.

"whats so funny?" The lady asked.

"Oh nothing sorry. Just laughing at how stupid I am for leaving my purse in there." The custodian finally came to unlock the doors. Maddy stepped in and waited for him to leave. She opened the door so her parents could get in. It was a long hallway with doors and no windows.

"Here follow me I can Find him." Daniel led the way to a grey door that said "Test subjects" Maddy tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Rhydian can you hear me."Maddy said quietly.

"Maddy! Help me!" Rhydians voice sounded desperate for her to save him.

"The door is locked." They all sighed. Emma and Daniel went to find the key while Maddy stayed behind with Rhydian.

"Maddy you should go with your parents before you get caught." Rhydian tried shifting in the bed to get as close to Maddy as possible.

"No! I'm not leaving you. What if they do something to you while im gone." Maddy said

"Then i'll Just tell you." Maddy laughed at how calm he was about this now that she was there.


"Nothing." There was a long pause of silence before anyone else talked.

"you know I love you Maddy, Right?" Rhydian said just loud enough for Maddy to hear.

"I love you too Rhydian." At that someone had hit her, making her scream out of pain before everything when black.

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