Full moon

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Maddy's POV

It's starting to get close to moon rise. Me parents have tried everything they could to get Rhydian out. It didn't work. "Do you have any ideas?" I asked Rhydian. "Nope. But I do feel like running around this place." I smiled. "I've got an idea." Everyone turned their attention to me. "If we leave now they will let us take Rhydian on a walk. We will make our way up to the house but if we don't make it we can go in the woods." Before we knew it we were out the door. I was holding Rhydians hand the whole time. Each step I could feel the wolf rising to the surface. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" Rhydian asked. "I promised you and that's one promise I'm going to keep." He took a deep breath and we kept walking. The sun was setting and the moon was about to rise. "I think we are going to make it." I said. "I don't know. We are a lot further away than you think." Dad said. "We just have to keep walking." Mom shouted. I could tell that Rhydian was beginning to feel sore. He slowed down by a lot and was limping. "Are you able to keep walking?" I asked him. "Yeah don't worry about me. I'm fine." I stopped. "I think we should just go in the woods." I shouted. "Maddy I'm fine really." "Rhydian isn't doing well." Me parents agreed and we walked towards the woods. "So I guess I don't count anymore." He said. "Rhydian I'm not dumb. I can tell you are hurting. You've slowed down massively and your limping." He gave up and just admitted that I was right. The moon was right above us. We found an open area and transformed. It took me a while to realize where we were. We were on the moors. Rhydian and I ran around and played. I caught a familiar scent. I followed it and found Shannon sitting up against a log. She had pictures in her hand. Rhydian brushed up against me while walking up to me. I lead him to Shannon. We say down beside her. One on each side. She jumped when she saw us. Then she realized it was us. "Please don't hurt me. I know your mad at me but-" she stopped when we sat down beside her. Shan began to pet us. She showed us the pictures that we took a long time ago. We couldn't really show our emotions or opinions to them because...well...we were in wolf form. After showing us the pictures she went home. Rhydian and I ran around like before. Me parents called us over to howl at the moon. It was awesome being out here with Rhydian again.


In the morning once we got back to the hospital we played it off like we just ate at the cafeteria. We started walking back to the room. "I told ya I'd get you out." I smiled at him. He laughed quietly. "Did you see the look on Shans face?" I asked. "Yeah when we first walked up she was really scared." Rhydian answered. "No I mean before that. She was crying." "Probably because she misses you Mads." We stopped walking. Me parents went into the room. "You need to talk to her." He kissed me then walked into the room. I went the other direction. I picked up me phone and called Tom. "Do you know where Shan is?" I asked. "Yeah she's at my house." "Bye!" I hung up and ran to toms house. When I got there tom just let me in. I ran up to Shan and hugged her. "Is there something I missed?" Tom walked into the room. We laughed and told him about last night.

"Oh Maddy, we were just picking out movies for movie night. Wanna come?" Shan asked. "I'd love to!" I had so much fun with them. It was like the old days. Before Rhydian came.


After an hour or so Rhydian came over. We invited him to movie night as well. I could tell that Tom didn't like it but he is his friend. I looked at me phone. Mom wants us home sometime soon. "Anyone up for Bernie's?" I didnt even realize that i interrupted a conversation. Everyone said yes and we left. We all discussed what we wanted on the way there. We are all going to get a chocolate milkshake. That's our usual. Every movie night we try to figure out what's going to happen in the movie at school. None of us has seen the movie and that's what makes it fun. Tonight we are discussing it at Bernie's. Bernie's just didn't feel the same. It seemed emptier. Tom and Shan fought for a long time about the events in the movie. Once they finished I spoke. "I think we are going to come back to school." It felt weird to say that. "I hope so. Mr. Jeffries needs that drama back in his life." We all laughed. It was times like this that I loved the most. We finished our drinks. "Me parents want us back so ill see ya in two hours!" I said goodbye and headed home. Rhydian came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. I swung around and put my arms on his shoulders. I pecked him on the lips. "I'll race ya!" We ran in the woods. Not a care in the world that we were going to get in trouble once we got back.


"Where have you been?" She didn't sound mad so that's good. "Sorry mom, we hung out with Tom and Shan." She was setting the table with dad. "Tonight is movie night. Can we go over to toms to watch a movie?" I said while sitting at the table. "Sure. Just come back before midnight this time." Me mom put the food on the table. It smelled delicious. I missed home cooked meals. I've missed a lot lately. "There we go." Dad came marching up to the table. "You two will be going back to school starting Monday." For once I can say that I'm happy to go back to school. I wonder how much I missed. Once we finished eating I got up with Rhydian following me and went to toms. "Did you do this before I came here too." Rhydian asked. "Yeah every Friday we would pick a cheap 'never made it anywhere' film and watch it. Then when we finish we make fun of it." The rest of the way I explained other crazy things that we used to do. Tom must have heard is laughing while walking up to his door because he opened it up quickly. "This time is different. We decorated." We walked into toms living room. It looked exactly like a theater but more homey. Shan took wild pictures of us like we were superstars. I could tell that this was going to be the best movie night ever. Like always I sat with Rhydian and Shan sat with Tom. The movie that we picked was "The Pond Man!" It was supposed to be scary. It really wasn't.


Hi I hope you liked it! I wanted to bring Shan back in really bad so I did. I also thought that it would be easier for me to write a story if they went to school. Sooooo ya BYE!!!

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