Back to school

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Maddy's pov

The movie was hilarious. We laughed the whole time. "And that one time- when he scared that girl-" Tom couldn't even say a word without laughing. He made us laugh. I looked at the clock; 11:45. "Wow. We should get going now." I said. "But Mads you always stay longer!" Shan said. Everybody stopped laughing and looked at me. Rhydian stood up beside me. "Here parents told her to be home before midnight." Shan and Tom exchanged looks. "Oh ok then. Bye Maddy. Bye Rhydian." Tom said. He showed us to the door and we left. "So...what did you think of movie night?" I asked him. "It was fun. You were right that was a cheesey movie. We ran the whole way back trying to make it before midnight. When we got there, me mom was pacing back and forth. I looked at Rhydians watch. "We made it!" I said while walking in. "By two minuets. Hurry up and get to bed. Rhydian the guest room has all your stuff in it." She said and walked off. I followed him into the room. "Sorry." I said."it's fine. I still get to see you right." He laughed and I shoved his shoulder. I kissed him. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." At that, we went to bed.

Rhydians POV


I walked up to Maddy one day at school and was about to kiss her. I leaned in. "No Rhydian. I just can't." She walked off. Why would she do that to me? She said that she loved me. She has kissed me before. Many times! I follow her to the dark room. "What's going on?" I asked her. "Nothing! Why do you think that there is always something WRONG!" She shouted and ran past me. At the end of the school day she ran into the woods without seeing any of us. She was hiding something. I ran after her, keeping my distance. She stopped at a big tree. I could smell another wolfblood. I heard them step out and run to Maddy. "I've missed you!" She said. "I've missed you too." It was a mans voice. Young like me though. Then I heard them move. They kissed. My heart dropped. It wasn't just one kiss. I stepped out to where they could see me. I stared with a blank expression on my face. "RHYDIAN?! Rhydian I want you to meet my REAL boyfriend." She pointed to him and smiled. "His name is Josh." She chuckled when I didn't move. "You didn't really think that I loved you after all that time did you?" She laughed and kissed him in front of me. (End) The sound of Maddy opening the door and flopping on my bed woke me up. I sat straight up when she fell onto my bed. "Did I scare you?" She said. "Pfft no." I lied. "So Shan told me that there is a fall dance at the school soon. Since we will be back by then, we should go together." She smile at me. She seemed really excited about this. "Yeah. Now I don't have to worry about trying to find the right time and place to ask you." She jumped up. "I'll go make breakfast." She ran out to the kitchen. I thought to myself. I'm so happy that was a dream-no a nightmare. I hurried up and got dressed. Maddy decided to make chocolate muffins. From scratch. "Do you wanna help?" She asked. If course I said yes. I want to spend as much time with her as possible before Monday. We had an awful time baking the muffins. Flour was everywhere and chocolate chips went flying all over. Maddy's mom came out to see what we were doing. She stood there for a moment then turn away. As she walked away she said, "Clean it up!" We looked at each other and laughed. In the end the muffins came out good and the kitchen was "Lets go do something!" Maddy shouted and pulled me out of the house and into the woods. "You run that way and ill run this way. Who ever gets to the howling tree first wins!" We began to run. After a while I didn't notice a medium sized drop and tumbled down the hill. I sat there for a little bit. Then got up and ran again. I saw Maddy already there like she had been there from the start. "What took ya so long?" She asked playfully. We walked towards the school. It seemed different. We pretty much just walked and talked that whole day. "Rhydian, right before you went to the hospital, I saw a man by alrics body." I stopped walking. Why did she- how does she- Ug. "He said that you killed him. Please tell me he's lying." I couldn't say anything. "Why?" She said. "He hurt you-" "that doesn't mean you go off killing people!" Maddy interrupted. "Jana doesn't even know. That's her father Rhydian!" I was frozen. I didn't know what to say or do. "I didn't do it on purpose! He came at me first so I scratched him and bit him. I didn't know it would kill him!" I ran past her. I can't take it anymore. I know what I did so don't bring it back up.

Maddy's POV

I just went home. He obviously doesn't want to talk about it. I waited hours got his return. It's almost one and he hasn't come back yet. I'm starting to get scared. "Rhydian please come back!" I've sent many messages like that. "At least text me something. I love you." He didn't respond. Me mom came out and told me to go to bed. "No I'm going to find him." I ran out of the house without stopping when me mom called me name. I ran into the woods and used Eolas. He was sitting on a tree. He just sat there. I ran towards him. When I got close he stood up. I ran up to him and landed in his arms. We stayed still and quiet. "You aren't mad at me right?" He asked. "No. Everything that happened earlier never happened." I said. "Lets go back home." I said and we held hand and walked back.


Maddy's POV

It's finally here. I got up and put my uniform on. I walked out into the living room. Rhydian was already there and eating breakfast. "Are you excited?" I asked. "To see the Ks, no. To play football, yeah." We laughed when he said to see the Ks. We finished eating and went to school. We meet up with Tom and Shan in the dark room. "Welcome back!" They shouted as we walked in. "Thanks guys." I said. The bell rang and we went to class. Tom and Shan took their seats and I stood at the front of the room holding Rhydians hand. "Looks like Rhydians got a girlfriend!" One of the Ks shouted. "Welcome back Rhydian and Maddy. Take your seats." Mr.Jefferies said. Like always, I sat behind Shan and Rhydian sat behind Tom. The class seemed to go by really fast. Same for science. Maybe it was because Rhydian and I talked the whole time. Before we knew it it was lunch time. The food was still awful. I could hear Jimi and his friend talking. "Her hair is longer. They both look a little older. She got "shape"." They all took turns saying stuff about what's different about us. "She's prettier." That was the last one that I could pick up because they got up and left. "Maddy!" I obviously was zone out because I didn't here anything that Shan was saying. "What?" I turned back to them. "Ready to go?" Shan asked. "Yeah!" I said perkily. We went out onto the playground. Rhydian went out to play football and I talked with Shannon. School wasn't that bad when you don't have to worry as much.


Sorry that I haven't posted in a while! I've been busy and didn't get around to doing this. That's why it's extra long today. Maybe. Oh we'll hope you liked it BYE!!!

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