Tough choices

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Rhydians POV

What if they abandon Lexi and Jo? What if they abandon me?! All of these "what if" questions ran through my head as I walked home. "Rhydian!" Lexi came running after me with Jo not far behind. "I thought that you are probably going to Maddy so maybe we could see her." Lexi said catching up to me. "Yeah but just a heads up, she wasn't very "nice" when she found out that I was on her territory. So don't get offended if she doesn't accept you right away." I said. "Ok."
I opened the door. Maddy looked better than this morning. She looked more alive. "Maddy, I would like for you to meet Lexi and Jo." She walked over to me. "You are wolfbloods!" A smile came across her face. "Yeah and we are twins, not dating. But I know you two are!" Lexi said. We blushed. "Are you from America?" Maddy asked. "Yep. Our dad got a job here so we had to move." Jo spoke out. Maddy walked over to the couch and gestured them to go over to her. "Maddy where's your dad?" I asked. "He's in the den fixing up the wall." I left them to talk and found mr. Smith. "Hi Mr.Smith." I said. It startled him and he jumped up. "Hi..... Rhydian." "What would you do if new wolfbloods came to stay in Stonybridge?" I asked. "Well, we would meet them then decide if we trust them to be on our territory." "Would you let them in the pack?" I asked again. "If they have a family, no. If they are a lone wolf like you were, yes. Simple." "Thanks Mr.Smith." I got up to leave. "Why are you asking by the way?" "No reason." I jumped up and left before he could say anything else. I could hear the girls laughing. "That really happened!" Maddy and Lexi laughed. "It was nice to meet you Maddy but I'm going to go home before it gets dark." Jo said. She waved goodbye. "Here I'll walk you back." I opened the door for him and started our journey back.

Maddy's POV

"So how long have you known Rhydian?" Lexi asked. "Four or five years."I answered. "That's a long time. When did you start dating?" She really likes this kind of stuff. "Four years ago was our first kiss but this year was our first date." She looked confused. I explained everything to her. I started at when Rhydian first came to right now. Her reaction was what I thought it would be. No word could come from her. Rhydian walked through the door. He flopped down right beside me. "Do you want to stay over?" I asked. I forgot that it was a week day. "Yeah!" Apparently that doesn't matter. "I'm going to run home and ill be right back!" She ran out of the house. "Looks like you have a new friend." Rhydian laughed. Me mom can through the door. "Do I smell another wolfblood?" She said with groceries in her hand. "Yeah and she's kinda staying the night." I said. "Where is she?" Mom asked. "She ran home and she will be right back. Her name is Lexi, she has a twin brother, and she is from America." I said giving her a little background story. "And I suppose you brought her here." She pointed at Rhydian. "She actually invited herself." She went on about safety and kept asking questions about Lexi. I could smell Lexi so I opened the door and let her in. She meet me mom and we went to our room. As I passed Rhydian I ran my fingers through his blonde hair. Let the night begin.

Rhydian POV

Can she stay on our territory?" I asked Mrs.Smith. "She's a nice girl but I don't know the rest of the family." I hung my head. "I'll sleep on it." She said and left the room. I hope she wasn't listening.

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