Part 1

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Killian sighs deeply as he makes the drive to work, through the quaint little town nestled in a desolated area of Maine. It's his first day as Deputy and he's rather nervous. Part of him thinks he's made a mistake by leaving home. Part of him wants to go back, but he knows he can't. He came to the States to start a new life after what happened and there was no way he would turn back now.

He is already regretting his decision, however, as soon as he pulls in front of the small police station. This was it? He left England's best police force to become a small-town deputy in the middle of nowhere? He curses under his breath as he gets out of his car.

He would call his former boss later to find out out of another job opening him at another location because there's no way he spent five years in the police force, not to mention going through the long, dreaded process of becoming a citizen here for this. He walked the short way down the sidewalk and opened the door as he took in a deep breath, preparing for a dull day at work. It would be okay, he thought. He just had to make it through today. And then he would leave.

As he enters the station, he was spotted by a blonde-haired man with blue eyes who looked up from his desk and stood up, walking out of his office to greet him.

"You must be Killian?" he asks as he approaches him.

"Aye. Killian Jones."

"I'm David Nolan, the sheriff. It's nice to meet you Killian," he says, extending his hand out to him.

Killian shakes his hand, assessing the situation. The man seems kind enough. Maybe the day wouldn't be as difficult to get through as he thought.

"I have to say, I'm honored to have you here. I've heard great things. And this town could use a guy like you."

"Is that so? It seems so quiet and peaceful around here. I wouldn't think it needed much looking after."

David sighs as he turns around, showing Killian to his desk. "You'd be surprised. Sometimes it's the quiet towns that make the most noise when you turn a blind eye."

Killian nods in agreement, but he's still skeptical to say the least. David shows him the ropes and then gives him some paperwork to fill out at his desk. This was definitely going to be a very long day.

Before the morning has disappeared, he hears the bell chime as the door opens. He is buried in his paperwork and doesn't even look up as David came out of his office to greet the visitor.

"Morning sweetie," he says as Killian can see him hugging the visitor from the corner of his eye. Maybe a girlfriend or wife, he thinks.

"I meant to come by earlier, but we've been slammed all morning. I brought your favorite doughnut as usual," Killian hears her say as she hands David a white paper sack and a drink carrier with two coffees. He still doesn't look up as David speaks to him.

"Killian, I'd like you to meet my daughter. You could use a break anyway."

He sighs internally as he stands up, looking to the floor. He's not interested in getting to know these people, he just wanted to get out of this town as quickly as possible. As he walks over to where David stands, his eyes slowly drift up while taking in the sight of a long pair of legs clad in black leggings. His eyes continue upward, raking over her slim figure covered by a white apron and a pink blouse. Her lips hold a shy smile as she takes in his sight as well and when his blue eyes finally meet her jaded green ones, his heart skips a beat. She is absolutely breathtaking even covered in flour and with her long golden blond hair pulled into messy bun. He clears his throat as he realizes he's been staring at her for far too long.

"I'm Killian. Killian Jones." He reaches his hand out and she hesitates before shaking it.

"Emma Swan."

He gives her the most charming smile he could muster and she rolls her eyes at him before handing him a coffee from the drink holder.

"I didn't know how you take your coffee so I put some cream and sugar in the bag along with an extra doughnut."

"Thanks, lass." He takes the coffee and reaches his free hand in his pocket to grab his wallet. "How much do I owe you?"

"It's on the house. Just think of it as a 'Welcome to Storybrooke' present."

"Emma owns the bakery across the road," David explains to him as he opens the bag, taking out a creme-filled doughnut glazed in chocolate before he passes the bag to Killian, who graciously accepts.

"Ah, I see. Well, thanks, love. That's kind of you," he says, removing his other hand from his pocket.

"It's no problem. How's your first day going so far?" she asks him wearily while maintaining a friendly demeanor. He could tell she is the guarded type. Even as she speaks to him, she keeps her distance.

"Not quite what I expected but I'm quickly warming up to it," he smirks.

She doesn't even flinch, in fact she seems a bit annoyed with him already. "Well, I should get back. Bye, Dad." She kisses David on the cheek and turns to walk towards the door.

"I was nice meeting you, Emma," he calls to her as she opens it. She just gives him a coy smile before she disappears behind it.

She's a feisty one, he thinks as he takes the doughnut out of the bag and takes a bite after David goes back into his office. When he tastes the soft, flaky bread, the light creme and decadent chocolate that does wonders to his taste buds, he actually moans because of how good it is. As he licks the sweetness off of his lips, he thinks it's definitely the best doughnut he's ever had in his life. He's beginning to like this town already. In fact, he might stay after all.

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