Part 6

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"You kissed him didn't you?" Elsa is standing in front of her, arms crossed and blocking the door to the kitchen. Emma tries to move past her but her friend would not budge. "Oh no. I'm not moving until get some answers," she threatens with a beaming smile.

Emma doesn't exactly know what gave it away. Maybe it's the fact that she's had a blushing smile since yesterday, a smile that made creases visible around her eyes and filled her cheeks with a tinge of pink. Or maybe it's the fact that she had been in a daze all morning and Elsa had to wave her hands in front of her face three times to get her attention.

Emma puts her hands on her hips and sighs in surrender. "There may have been a kiss or two... or three. Happy? Can I can pass now, your majesty?" she laughs.

"I think I'm going to need more details than that. Like who kissed who first? Was there tongue? And does this mean you're giving him a chance?"

Emma rolls her eyes but answers, only because she knew if she didn't, Elsa wouldn't stop berating her with questions otherwise. "He kissed me, there was lots of tongue, and... I think am."

Elsa squeals and claps her hands. "I'm so happy for you, Emma! I knew you could you do it!" Finally, she steps aside and Emma walks through the door with Elsa at her heals.

"So, did it happen last night?"

Emma stops in her tracks, causing Elsa to almost run into her and she turns around. "I knew it was you behind the whole thing," she gives her a glaring smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I only mentioned a few details to him. What he did after that, I had nothing to do with," she explains, smiling innocently.

"Right," Emma laughs and turns back around, heading for her office.

The next couple of days, she tries to get her thoughts in order. She keeps herself busy with work on Saturday and visiting August's father, who was now at his home with an in-home nurse. And Henry was already planning another weekend at his friend's house, which Emma was beginning to get suspicious as to why he was excited about working on his projects and homework at his friend's house. And she may have been trying to avoid Killian, but she was just trying to figure things out and she is thankful that he has been giving her space. But not seeing him pains her because she really likes him, in fact she likes him too much... and it scares the shit out of her.

Come Tuesday morning, Elsa follows Emma to her office after the morning rush. "So I was thinking, you should leave early Saturday and let me close since we close at noon anyway and you can go home and get some rest so you have energy to, I don't know, maybe spend the day with Killian on Sunday."

When Emma gets to her office she turns around again and tilts her head slightly to the side, hands on her hips. "Since when did you become my boss? I thought it was the other way around."

"Yes, but where would you be without me? You have a lot on your shoulders, Emma, and it's my job as your assistant and your friend to lift some of that weight and to also put some sense into that cluttered head of yours when needed. So, a simple thank you will suffice," she says, crossing her arms.

Emma rolls her eyes. "Thank you. And you're right, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I know," Elsa grins widely before she turns around to head back the counter.

By the end of the day, Emma knows what she has to do. There is no denying it anymore. All of her fears came to the surface and she has to face them now. She didn't spend all those years building up walls just so they could be torn down by some guy she just met two weeks ago. However, he isn't just some guy to her. She realized quickly that he was different.

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