Part 4

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That night went by dreadfully slow. There wasn't much of anything happening on the streets of Storybrook. Killian did have to arrest Leroy for drunk and disorderly conduct outside the Rabbit Hole, but that was the most exciting thing that's happened so far. As he returns to the bar in his cruiser, he has his window rolled down as two men walk out.

"Evening, deputy," one of them calls to him as they approach.

"Evening. I don't have arrest you lads too, do I?" he asks them teasingly.

"Nope, just had a few beers is all," he chuckles. "It's been a slow night, I take it?"

"Aye. Indeed."

"It's Killian, right?" Killian nodded. "I'm Robin Locksley and this is this my good mate, Will Scarlet.

Killian gives them a friendly smile and shakes their hands through the open window.

"How do you like Storybrooke so far?" Robin asks him.

"It's certainly different, but I'm adapting."

"That it is," Robin agrees.

"Lots of pretty women in this town, though," Will tells him.

"I haven't really noticed." Killian replies. Honestly, he only had his eye on one woman.

"Oh, come on, you can't tell me you don't fancy the Sheriff's daughter. She's quite the beaut. I wouldn't mind going a few rounds with that one, me-self," Will says.

Killian clenches his jaw and balls his hands into a fist. "Watch it, mate," he snarls and they both look at him confused.

"What, it's a crime to fancy a lass now?"

Killian clears his throat, trying to regain composure. "It's just bad form to speak of a lady like that."

Robin eyes him knowingly. "Careful, deputy, I wouldn't get too attached. She's a gorgeous lass but she's a heart-breaker that one. The last Deputy fled because he fell in deep but she wouldn't give him the time of day. Lots of trust issues.

"Aye. I've gathered that much. I'm not that guy, though. And I don't intend on leaving."

"Just don't say I didn't warn you. Well, it was nice meeting you, Killian."

Killian nods and waves at them as they continue down the sidewalk. After they're out of sight, he starts the ignition and drives away. He couldn't stop thinking about what Robin told him. Maybe he was right and he should back out now. He couldn't afford another heartbreak, after all. Yep, he should definitely back out... but he isn't going to.

Emma is running late. She hit the snooze on her alarm a few too many times and has to hurry to get ready. She pulls on a pair of tight, faded jeans and a white tank top and doesn't even bother with makeup. After she pulls her hair back into a ponytail, she shoves on her tennis shoes and red leather jacket and grabs her purse, practically running out the door.

She gets in her car, putting her seat-belt on and pulls out of her driveway. She rushes to work, but as soon as she hits the main road, she notices the red and blue flashing lights her rear-view mirror. "You have got to be kidding me," she grumbles to herself. She doesn't have time for this. She reluctantly pulls over to the side of the road and waits impatiently as Killian approaches, rolling the window down.

"Look, Killian, please. I'm already running late-"

He leans his elbows on the window frame of her door and looks in, meeting her gaze. She's angry that he pulled her over, but God, those eyes of his are so impossibly blue, even in the darkness they stand out. "Do you know how fast you were going, lass?"

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