Part 11

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After Emma gets out of work, she and Henry go to her parents' loft.

Mary Margerette greets them both with a hug as they come inside. Henry runs off with Leo to his room to play video games as Emma walks into the kitchen with her mother. She looks hesitant, toying with her fingers as she speaks.

"Listen, I was wondering if you could take Henry Saturday night?"

Mary Margaret looks at her curiously. "Sure. You know your father and I would love to have him over anytime. What did you have planned that night?"

Emma turns around, pacing away from her, debating whether she should tell her about Killian. It's not that she doesn't want to, she just doesn't want them to make a big deal out of it.

"Emma, what is it?" Her mother asks, concerned.

Finally Emma lets out a long breath before she turns back to her and replies. "I've kind of been seeing someone."

Mary Margarette arches a brow, a slow smile creeping across her lips before she impales her with questions, which is exactly why Emma hesitated to tell her. "Who is he? How long have you been seeing him? Do we know him?"

"Know who?"

Emma snaps her head around when she hears her father speak from behind her.

"Emma has a boyfriend," his wife tells him.

David walks over next to Mary Margarette, crossing his arms as he smiles at Emma. "Since when?"

"We've been seeing eachother for a few weeks now."

"So, how come we're just hearing about this now?" David asks, giving her a confused look.

"I don't know, I just didn't want to say anything before I knew what to tell you."

"Is it serious?"

"Um, well it's still new, but I really like him."

"Who is he? You never answered my question."

"Well, actually you do know him. It's Killian."

To that Mary Margaret smiles excitedly and David frowns. "Please tell me you're not serious, Emma."

"David!" her mother shrieks as she gently hits his shoulder.

Emma looks at him confused and shocked at his disapproval.

"Look, Emma, don't get me wrong, I think he's a nice guy and a good deputy, but what happens when it doesn't work out between the two of you? He's just going to go back to England where he came from."

Emma felt anger bubble inside of her at her father's words. "Is that what you're worried about? Losing another deputy?"

"Emma... I'm just being realistic. He already escaped England for god knows what relationship problems he had there and he'll do it again."

Emma looks at him harshly and speaks in a firm voice. "No, you don't get to do that. You don't get to make judgements about who I date. For the first in my life, I'm actually happy. And all you can think about is losing your precious deputy!" Emma turns to walk out of the kitchen to get Henry.

"Emma wait!" David goes after her, grabbing her arm and she stops and turns back to look at him. "Please, I'm sorry. You're right. I have no right to interfere. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"I can take care of myself, dad."

"I know. I'm sorry." David puts his hand on Emma's shoulder and kisses her forehead. "I'm happy for you. I really am."

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