Part 13

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Emma and Killian's mouths both fell agape, not believing their eyes. The bakery is empty, except for two people, Elsa and Liam.

And Liam is leaning over the counter, Elsa behind it and Liam in front as he kisses her.

Killian clears his throat loudly as he and Emma approaches, causing them to break apart.

"Is that how your brother greets all the women he meets?" Emma asks Killian.

Her voice makes Liam spin around and he gives her a double take when he sees her holding Killian's hand and then turns back to Elsa, who looks utterly confused. She is blushing but also looks unsure of what had just happened.

Liam looks at Emma again, gesturing towards her. "Wait, you're Emma?"

"Liam, what the bloody hell is going on?" Killian demands.

Liam only flashes a coy grin, looking a bit embarrassed.

Emma puts the pieces together in her head. Elsa is flustered and clearly only the receiver of the kiss and Liam did come there looking for Emma, with the intention of getting a rise out of Killian and without the knowledge that Elsa had even existed.

"Wait... did you think that she was me?" Emma asks Liam as she points to Elsa.

Liam has a guilty smirk on his face as he holds out his hand to Emma.

"I'm Liam. Nice to meet you, Emma."

Killian gives him the death look, causing Liam to drop his hand.

"So, are you going to tell me why in the bloody hell you were trying kiss my girlfriend, you ponce?"

"Relax, Killian, I was only doing it to joke around."

"Well, I'm not amused, Liam."

"Come on, you're going to be mad at me now? It's not like I actually kissed her."

"That's not the point and you know it. You never know when to stop with your little pranks and now this..."

"Killian, it's fine." Emma puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him. "Come on. If he tried that with me, I would have slapped him," she says with a smile as she cups his jaw in her hand, urging him to face her. "No one kisses me but my Killian."

His lips pull into a small smile as he kisses her lips.

"Well, I can't say that I'm sorry I didn't get to say you slap him," he teases and looks back to Liam.

Liam smiles back in relief. "You were right, brother. She is a feisty one."

Emma looks at Elsa and urges her over. "Liam, I would like you to meet my friend and assistant, Elsa."

Elsa walks around the counter and stands beside Emma.

Liam smiles coyly and extends a hand out to her. "Apologies, milady. I hope you can forgive me."

Elsa doesn't seem to mind as she shakes his hand and they both gaze at one other like they've been love-struck. "It's okay. You just took me by surprise. It's not everyday a tall, handsome stranger walks and greets me with a kiss."

"Killian, you failed to mention the other beautiful blonde that works here," he says, still looking at Elsa.

Emma and Killian exchange smiles.

"Will you be joining us for lunch?" Liam asks Elsa.

"Sure. I would love to. I just have to close up."

"I'll help," Emma says and goes over to lock the front door.

"You boys think you can occupy yourselves while we finish here?"

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