Part 10

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Emma has spent three years making dough at her steel kitchen countertop in the bakery; Mixing flour, eggs and sugar and other ingredients, and rolling and kneading the dough. Years of making glaze and filling the doughnuts with creams and jellies.

She has made all sorts of doughnuts and scones and other pastries at this countertop. However, she can't recall ever having as much fun as she is now. There is flour and eggs and chocolate icing all over the floor but she's finding too hard to care when her deputy's cock is buried inside of her, both of them naked. Her legs are wrapped around him and he's rocking into her, the steel surface cool and hard on her back.

It started when he had stopped by to 'check on her' while he worked the overnight shift.

She was mixing cream filling when he knocked on the door. Emma put down the spoon in her hand and went to answer it. She had her apron on and was covered in flour, but he never seemed to mind. In fact he was a little too happy to see her.

"Morning, love." A goofy smile was plastered on his face as she let him in. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her in for a deep, heart-melting kiss.

As their tongues brushed together, she splayed her hands on his chest. She really wanted to continue kissing him, but she had to open the bakery in a couple of hours and still had a lot to do. She gently pushed him away, immediately regretting their separation as she turned and walked away.

He stuck his lip out in a pout. "Where are you going, love?"

"Unlike some people, I actually have to do my job," she taunted and continued her work at the counter.

"Oi!" He smiled and stalked over to her, resuming his hands on her hips. "I am doing my job, but I have some down time and I can't help it if I miss my girlfriend like crazy." He leaned in and brushed his lips against her earlobe as he spoke in a deep, sultry voice. "I can't help what you do to me, love."

Emma closed her eyes, tilting her head back as he kissed her ear and pulled on it gently with his teeth. "And what exactly do I do to you."

Killian couldn't hold back the growl that escaped his lips. She knew exactly what she did to him and she loved it. He pressed the growing bulge against her butt, making her gasp.

"See, love, I can't help myself. Your too irresistible."

"And you know I would be more than happy to take care of that for you, but I really have to finish this." Emma lifted her head up, trying to recompose herself and steady her breathing as she took the spoon and continued to fill the piping bags with it.

"I think you could use some assistance with that, love."

"And what kind of assistance would that be?"

"Well, I think I have to taste that before you fill those doughnuts, just to make sure it's sweet enough."

"Killian, I use the same recipe and make it the same way every day. I don't think a taste-testing is neccessary."

"I'd have to disagree with you there, love." Killian reached into the bowl with his finger and brought to his lips, sucking the cream off.

"Killian! I'm going to have to remake that, now!" Emma huffed as she nudged his stomach with her elbow.

"Ooof," he grabbed his stomach, pretending that she actually hurt him. "Relax, love, my hands are clean."

Emma sighed as she put the bowl aside and turned around, both irritation and amususement in her eyes. "You have to leave so I can get my work done."

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