Chapter 1

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Hey Rainbows. I'm kinda (really) sad right now. But I have to update for you guys. Because I just care that much about you. It's the reason I uploaded yesterday while I was sick.

If you don't know why I'm sad, go on my profile.

Felix's P.O.V., by the way.


I sighed as I got in my seat. Then, a girl came up to me and I looked up. Oh no. It's Lotte. She's insane. She breaks everything, and blames it on someone named... Anne, I think? "Hey Felix." she said. I groaned. "I just wanna be friends. Please?" she begged.

I thought about this for a moment. Then I sighed. "Fine. Just don't break stuff." I said. She smiled widely. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" she exclaimed. She's not that bad. She's not nearly as insane as...

"Hi!" a girl yelled, running into class. A few other kids and I shrunk down into our seats. Her name is litterally Psychotix. I'm friends with her, but it doesn't mean I'm not terrified of her. "Heh. Hey Psychotix." I said shyly.

Everyone took their seats. I'm lucky, I'm in the middle of my less insane friends. Kat is next to me, Brian on the other side, Candy is behind me, and Annabeth in front. Our teacher, Mr. Johnson{So creative XD} was about to start the lesson when there was a knock at the door.

Our teacher sighed and opened it. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. "General Ty?! What are you doing here?!" he asked. "Sky sent me to pick someone up." Ty answered, walking in. I looked around, smiling. I wonder who it could be! Ty picked a small peice of paper from his pocket. "Felix Marsh?" he called.

My jaw dropped in awe. Me?! Candy urged me forward. "I'm Felix Marsh!" I said. He smiled. "Anyone you want to bring?" he asked. Of course, being who I am, I invited all of my friends. Including Lotte and Psychotix. When I finished, Ty laughed. "That's alot of people!" he smiled.

I didn't mention that I also had a family at home. My older brother Vince stays home because he thinks he's a freak. His eyes change color with his emotions. My younger sister, Strawberry, stays home because she's too young. And my older sister, Sydney(not to be confused with my friend who's also named Sydney) takes care of Vince and Strawberry.

We all folowed Ty out the door. We rode in a carraige, which was crouded with all the people.

We finally got the castle and saw King Sky and Queen Vivvi sitting on their thrones. When he saw us, Sky laughed. "Ty! This was supposed to be one kid and his friends! Not a feild trip!" he said. Vivvi giggled.

Sky suddenly got serious. "So. I called Felix here to tell him something. Something important. And... well... I guess his whole class came with him." he said. My friends laughed. "Anyway, Felix." Sky continued. He put his hand on my shoulder before finishing. "You're going to be the next butter prince."

My eyes widened. "Me?! The butter prince?!" I asked, shocked. He nodded. "I'd be honoured!" I answered happily. "Yay! So you can do your whole speech thingy tomorrow. I'll send... Aria to pick up your family." he said. Wow. Sky is surprisingly childish.

"Wait, who's Aria?" I asked. "She's my guard. ARIA! COME IN HERE! MEET THE NEW BUTTER PRINCE!" Sky shouted. I laughed. A girl walked in, wearing full butter armor. "Hi. I'm Aria Goldhaven." she greeted. "Don't you mean, Butterhaven?" Sky questioned. She smiled. "No. Goldhaven." she corrected.

Sky rolled his eyes. "Whatever." he said. "Wait, can I come with her?" I asked. Sky nodded and I smiled. I can't wait to bring them here! :D


{A/N} Woo! A chapter is finally up!

I love all you Rainbows. Never forget that.


The Butter Prince (sequel to The Life Of SkyDoesMinecraft)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt