Chapter 19

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I've been pretty busy so...



I cheered and laughed as I ran through the castle. Vince walked out of his room, and his eyes widened when he saw me. “Felix?!” he asked, smiling as his eyes became bright green. “I’m back!” I cheered.

I ran into Strawberry’s room and hugged her. “Felix! You’re normal!” she giggled. “You mean I’m not a squid anymore. I was never normal.” I chuckled. She rolled her eyes. “Hey! Let’s do somethin’ fun! Come on come on come on!”

“But shouldn’t I tell Ka-“

“Later! Come on, let’s go!”

She pulled me down the stairs by the arm. “Woah! Slow down!” I said, laughing.

She led me outside to the parkour course. “Race ya!” she said, starting without me. “Hey!” I shouted, following close behind. She beat me and cheered when she got to the end. Then she smiled at me. “This is the first time we’ve done anything since… you know…”

“Oh! That reminds me! We should record a video!” I said. I ran back down the course and inside the castle. I caught Brian right as he was walking out of his room. “Hey! You wanna record a video?” I asked after explaining what happened. He nodded. “Great! I’ll just get Ka-“ “Kat already left a while ago to record with Sydney and Amy.” Brian interrupted. “Oh…”

Instead, I invited Misty to come with us. We played a game called ‘Hunger Games’. It was a game Mitch and Jerome usually played and involved a lot of killing… yeah… I heard it was fun!

After being the third to die and watching as Misty won, I ended the video and came back home.

When I got back, Kat was there. She was talking to Amy; probably about their video. I froze, unsure of what to do. Should I tell her how I really feel about her? Would she understand?

I decided to go for it, and walked up to her. When she saw me, time seemed to slow down. My heart beat quickly in my chest. “Felix… you’re…” she whispered. I smiled. “Yeah.” I said. Wow. Smooth. Way to start a conversation.

“Kat… I’ve… you’re so amazing. And, I think… well, what I’m trying to say is… will you go out with me?” I managed.

She stared at me, eyes wide. Everything was silent. Then, came the answer, so quiet I could barely hear it.


I threw my arms around her, smiling. It felt as if a weight has been lifted off my chest, as if I could fly!

When we separated, I stared into her eyes. She stared back in silence. I couldn’t help but notice… our lips were only inches away…

I leaned in and she closed her eyes…

And then…


Kat and I jumped back, surprised. Sky, Mitch, and Ty were standing down the hall, staring at us. Mitch and Ty glared at Sky. “Sorry.” He said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes.

Yet another moment ruined by Sky…


{A/N} Aww! Kawaii! >//////<


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