Chapter 9

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GUYS I'M SO SORRY I'M BACK NOW HERE'S A CONSOLATION PRIZE WOO! *takes a deep breath in* Woah, that was a lot. :/


I sat in my room, bored. Sky ran in. "FELIX I WANT YOU TO MEET MY FRIEND KITKAT!" he shouted. I turned and saw a girl with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a red kitkat T-shirt. Behind her, I saw a younger girl who looked the same, but had a yellow Twix T-shirt. "Hey Felix! This is my younger sister, Twix." she greeted. Twix smiled and waved, so I waved back.

After the introduction, Sky and KitKat talked while I intocuced Twix to my friends-at least, the ones who were here.

"So... yeah." I finished. "Twix!" KitKat called from upstairs. "We gotta go!". "Aww... I just got here!" Twix whined. "Maybe she can record a video with me and some friends!" I added. KitKat thought for a minute, then sighed. "Oh, alright."

I called Mikurin, Kat, and Brian to play with us. We went to the abandoned prison Sky plays at.

"Hello people of the interwebs! It's me, Felix, the budderlord, and I'm here with Kat, Mikurin, Brian, and Twix. We are playing Cops n' Robbers." I said.

We started the game with Brian as warden. I ended up in a cell with Kat. "YO BRIAN! I'M WITH YOUR SISTER!" I screamed. She laughed and pushed me. Brian walked up to us. "Too bad." he whispered. And with that, he walked away. I frowned. "WARDEN! I WANT BREAD!" I screamed. He came back. "Well, that changes everything!" he said sarcastically. He let me out anyway.

"Hey warden! I'm hungry too!" Twix shouted. Brian ran the other way to let her out and I took this as my moment to escape. By the time he realized I was missing, it was too late. The game continued, but not for long as the other prisoners escaped not long after.

"ANYWAY that was Cops n' Robbers! Don't forget to check everyone out in the description below! Goodbye, my majestic budder creatures!" I finished.

"That was awesome!" Twix said happily. "Ferikussu kawaii desu!" Mikurin said in some other language. "Wha?!" I responded, completely clueless. She sighed. "I said 'Felix is cute' in Japanese." she explained. Kat had a visibly forced smile on her face. When she thought I wasn't looking, she glared at Mikurin. What was that about?


{A/N} Oooooh she's jelly!

Prussia: Kesesesese...

Me: What are you doing here?!

Russia: Kolkolkol...

France: Ohonhonhon...

America: Ahahahahaha!

Me: *frowns* I want a trademark laugh!


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