Chapter 4

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This is all I have to say.


Well... today is the day... I'm going to make my speech to everyone. I didn't expect to be this nervous.

Sky smiled at me, and walked through the curtains as the king before him once did. I wonder if Sky was this nervous.

"Hey! I bet you're wondering why you're all here..." Sky began. "I have chosen the next butter prince, and he's here to give his speech thingy." I rolled my eyes. "Please welcome Prince Felix!" Sky shouted. There was cheering as I walked through. My friends sat in the first row, including Misty.

"Hey! Thank you so much! I wouldn't be here without you, Sky!" I said, pointing to him. He smiled. "Speaking of thanks, I would also like to thank my two sisters and my brother." I said. They stood up and the crowd cheered. "I'm also gonna thank my friends! You always support me!" I said.

"Finally, I want to thank all of you. Just for being here and listening to me. I hope I can be an amazing king one day like Sky is. I wont let you down." I finished.

That was all I had to say, so  I returned the attention to Sky. "Heh. So that was Felix! You'll probably see him around, cuz we're gonna play some games with him! It'll be awesome!" Sky said.

The ceremony ended, and we walked away while waving to the cheering crowd. My speech was short, but it was enough.



Hm... this was short... gonna try to do another one...


The Butter Prince (sequel to The Life Of SkyDoesMinecraft)Where stories live. Discover now