Chapter 18

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Well, I've had pretty depressing chapters for a while. Time to change that! :D


Another painfully boring day. I haven’t visited Cassie in a while. I also tend to avoid water unless I desperately need to ‘breathe’. It’s just… the water is a reminder of the monster I am.

I caught myself staring out the window the other day. I wish I could go out there. But Sky is sure that the people would over-react. I agreed with him, but if only there were some way…

I try to avoid thinking of things like that. Those things make me sad and upset.

Sky occasionally comes up and tells me that they’re making progress to help me, but I honestly feel like he’s just lying for my own sake. He says I’ll be back to normal soon. I doubt it.

Jeez, why am I so negative?

When I’m bored-almost all the time-I watch some of Sky’s videos, or anyone’s videos. I’ve actually seen some fan videos saying ‘Get Well Soon Felix!’. Though the comments usually contain at least one person who thinks I’m dead.

Sometimes, I go downstairs and listen to Jerome’s tales of killing ‘countless’ creepers when he was just a kid. Sky complains that it isn’t true, but Jerome just says it was before they met. That got me wondering how they met.

And so, I was told the story of how all of Team Crafted met.

As Sky began the story, someone would come and add to it. By the end, all of Team Crafted had gathered in the living room. All but Seto. I asked Sky what he was doing, but Sky just grinned and said, “It’s a secret.”

It’s been a week since the squid base incident. Each day, I get more and more hopeless.

Then, the day finally came.

While I watched one of my old videos, Sky suddenly comes and places something around my neck. Surprised, I look down. It’s an amulet like Sky’s, but with a clear gem instead of purple. My eyes widen as it becomes a deep blue.

“What is this?” I ask. Sky smiles widely. “It worked…” he whispers breathlessly. “What? What worked?”

Sky gestures to the mirror. And when I look in the reflection, I see… me…

No more blue hair.

No more gills.

Just the same blond hair as before. I smile at Sky. “Now, you can’t take that off. Otherwise, it’ll all come back.” He warned. I nodded quickly. Then I hug him. “I’m back to normal… finally back…” I whispered.


{A/N} Yay! Happiness and stuff! :D

Wait... oh no...

Two chapters left,


I don't know about you, but that part when Team Crafted told the story of how they met kinda made me think of 'How I Met Your Mother' XD

Love that show. <3


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