Chapter 8

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I may not be on much this weekend :/

Welp, if not, here is your update for the weekend!


Ty never stopped seeing Allylox. No matter what we said or did, he still saw her. I could tell he was trying to ignore her. I felt bad for him. Seto, Kat, Brian, and Audrey even tried combining their sorcerer/sorceress powers to make it stop. Nothing was working.

Sky came up to me room and told me some bad news. Ty was going to have to be put in an asylum. He said that I could visit any time, just that Ty can't record any more videos with us.

After Sky left, I sat on my bed with tears on my face. When I looked up, I saw something I would never expect.

In the mirror, instead of seeing my own reflection, I saw a girl who looked just like Ty; girl version, of coarse. She was slightly transparent, giving off a ghostly impression. "Who... who are you?" I asked, shocked. "I'm Allylox." she answered. My jaw dropped. "Wha... how are you..." I mumbled. "No time! We have to help Ty! Bring a mirror so Sky can see me!" she yelled. I nodded, grabbed a small mirror, and ran out.

"Sky! Wait!" I screamed as I ran down the stairs. Sky stopped, Ty in front of him. "Allylox is real! Look!" I showed him the mirror and he backed away in shock.

"I don't know why, but we can only see and hear her with a mirror why Ty sees her all the time." I said. "Well... she's Allylox... and I'm Deadlox..." he shrugged.

Sky looked at Ty sadly. "I'm so glad you're not insane." he whispered. Ty laughed at this. "Well, thanks. I'm glad your not insane either." he smirked. "I'm not so sure about that..." Sky responded. The three-or maybe four, if Allylox laughed-began laughing.

After that, life got close to back to normal. Ty still saw Allylox, and he occasionaly told us what she was saying. We decided it was best not to mention her on recording, though. I kept mirrors with me more often. Partly so I can see her, but mostly since I don't know when she's around or not, and it gets terrifying sometimes.


{A/N} Welp, Ty's not insane, and the world continues as normal. :P

Sorry to the character Allylox, 'cause she said she was only seen by Ty. I couldn't make Ty insane. I just can't live with that :P. So, I had to make a few changes. PLEASE DON'T HURT MEH!


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