Chapter 3

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I woke up to a shuffling sound. It's coming from downstairs. Swiftly but silently(like a ninja :3), I got out of bed and went downstairs.

I still didn't see where the noise was coming from. There was more shuffling. The kitchen! I poked my head around the corner to see what it was.

A girl stood in the kitchen, holding a butter apple. She stuffed it in her pocket and looked in the fridge. "Hey!" I yelled. She looked up at me, startled. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I... uh..." she gasped, fumbling for an explination. I smiled.

She frowned and took the butter apple out of her pocket. "Why are you stealing this?" I asked, taking it from her. She sighed. "I don't have any food. My parents were killed by squids." she explained.

Feeling sorry for her, I let her keep the butter apple. "What's your name?" I asked. "Misty." she answered. "Well Misty-" I was inturrupted by Sky running in. "I SENSE A DISTURBANCE IN THE BUTTER! Oh, hey Felix! Who's this?" he asked. "My friend. Misty." I lied. I knew he wouldn't react well if he knew she was trying to steal a butter apple.

He nodded, clearly accepting the explination, and began to walk away. Ty ran in, stopping Sky from leaving. "What happened? I heard screaming! Which is actually normal for Sky!" he yelled. "Nothing." Sky yawned, walking out. Ty shrugged and followed him.

I laughed. "Well, you don't need to steal food anymore, Misty. You should stay here." I said. She smiled. "Really?" she asked. I nodded.

I got back into bed and closed my eyes. Right before I did, I saw something move, something almost transparent.


{A/N} I wonder what this almost transparent thing could be... maybe... it's going to appear in chapter 7... SUSPENSE!

Thanks for reading! Please leave comments!

Felix: Oh, and I'm not PewDiePie. Someone asked that.

Me: I really should've thought of that when I chose your name X3

Felix: Yeah... you really should've explained that earlier.


Sky: I'm here too! :D

Henry: WHat about me?

Me: You're not in the story...

Henry: WHY NOT!


The Butter Prince (sequel to The Life Of SkyDoesMinecraft)Where stories live. Discover now