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I can't take it; I mean he's here, but he's not.
It's like the therapist gave him a death sentence instead of telling him he just has to wait three more weeks to heal and compete again.
After we got home from the therapist office, this whole other side of Seth Rollins came out.. It was darker; angrier.
Normally, he's got a small temper. He'll blow up, I'll blow up, we'll storm away from each other and then we're good.
But since they told him he had to wait 3 more weeks, he's just become this almost intolerable asshole and I can't deal... I can't fight with him anymore and I'm starting to wonder if maybe we shouldn't just end things... I love him and that kills me, but I can't take the anger.
I mean this isn't like him at all.
"Seth?" I spoke up. He kept staring a hole through the tv screen, glaring at the people in the ring doing what the doctor just told him he couldn't for 3 additional weeks.
We'd fought earlier, about him watching it because he always gets worse after he watches.
"I'm not turning it off."
"I wasn't going to say that, I was just... Nevermind." I sighed quietly and stood. I'd been about to tell him I loved him, honestly, but I felt myself getting angry again. And I didn't want to start our third fight of the day.
I walked into the bedroom and started throwing my clothes into a bag, just sort of in a state of internal uproar.. Was I really going to walk away from the man I love because of this rough patch?
'This rough making me wonder if he really loves me. The things he says, the way he's so distant lately.' my mind argued almost immediately. I'd just zipped the bag and I felt his hands at my hips.
"Wait? You're leaving?" Seth asked and the sound of his voice was so... shocked and scared. I took a few deep breaths and I didn't turn around to face him just yet. I felt the tears slip down my cheek.
"I have to, Seth, I've tried everything and it's like I'm not enough. I can't fight every day all day anymore."
"Babe..." he started, turning me around. For a few seconds, he just stared at me, this shocked and hurt look. I bit my lower lip, the full weight of my guilt hitting me. He's injured, I told myself, I love him and I shouldn't be just about to walk out the door.
'But he shouldn't be treating you like shit, either. You two need to be strong right now.' my brain reminded me.. But my heart was gone in those almost caramel colored eyes as they fixed on mine, full of hurt, confusion.
"You're more than enough okay? More than I deserve, babe.. Just please.. Don't leave." Seth finally said in a quieter voice, his fingertip trailing over my jawline, down to my lower lip, slowly across it, my lip quivering in the wake of his fingertip and he's other hand rubbing my stomach (am a moth pregnant by the way).
Damn everything I knew, and the hurt and anger I felt, I was starting to get hard... I just wanted him. The way he was being right now was the way he'd been when we first met.. All soft spoken and sweet words.
None of the bitterness and the poison he'd been spewing lately.
"I don't know how to make you happy, okay? I've been trying and it's just like you want no part of it.. Or me." I mumbled quietly as his arms slid around me and he pulled me into a hug, his lips finding the top of my head. "You do make me happy."
"It doesn't seem like it anymore."
"Because I've been an ass. None of this is your fault, okay? It's just an obstacle. I just need to stop letting it get to me so much. I need to stop doing and saying all the shit I do and say to you when you just try to help me." Seth's lips were on mine again, desperately, his hands drifting downward from the smy back to grip my ass as he pulled me against him and I groaned against his lips.
This was literally all I wanted.. Just to have this back.
I kissed him back just as desperately and asked quietly, "Why do you do it?"
"Because I feel bad because we're together and we're supposed to be starting a life together and here I am, not able to take care of both of us; not able to do what I love to provide for the man I love." Seth admitted quietly. Seeing it from his perspective made it make sense for me.
I could see now how he'd get so angry; feel so helpless.
Because I can't wrestle anymore because of my pregnancy. And if it weren't for Seth's insurance, he'd be up to his eyeballs in debt because of this injury and his surgery.
The money had been putting a strain on us too, though most of it was what was in his head, not on my end. I hadn't been worried about it.. And he hadn't been telling me that it was one of his big worries.
"I'm sorry, Seth.. I didn't know you felt..." I started, my words being cut off by another long and intense kiss as he gently pushed me back on the bed, moving the bag with all my stuff in it out of the way. He leaned over me, his hands holding mine at either side of my head, kissing me all over, his lips roaming down my neck and I moaned as he rubbed against me.
"Well now you do, babe.. Just don't go." he pleaded as his hand slipped up my shirt, playing with my nipples .
"I won't." I promised, a gasp escaping after I'd spoken when he ground himself against me again.
I felt the ache building and I was getting harder. he bit my lower lip, capturing it between his teeth as he muttered quietly,
"I love you.. More than you know, okay? This," he motioned to all the stuff he'd won and some of his gear sitting by the door and hanging on the walls, " could go away tomorrrow, but I don't wanna lose you."
"Seth, I..." I gasped, nipping hungrily at his lower lip, my hands slipping under his t shirt, trailing over his chest as I nuzzled against him and nipped at his neck.
" I love you, so much. And I'd still love you even if you couldn't ever do this again, okay? You could be Seth Rollins, fry cook for all I care. I just want you."
His kisses grew more passionate then and he mumbled against your lips,
"I'm so sorry.. I want to make it up to you.." and slowly, he raised myt shirt, flinging it out into the room. I slowly pulled his shirt over his head and it joined my shirt on the floor of the bedroom. He slid me up in the bed, moving s o that he'd lean over me as his hand moved down, slipping between my thighs, his rough fingertips dancing slowly over the fabric of my boxers. I arched my back as I felt this tingling, I felt the boner growing. My hand slid down the front of his sweats and I told him with a small smile,
"If you really wanna make it up to me, Seth... There is something you can do."
"Anything, babe." His lips were next to my ear as his hands slid into my boxers and three of his fingers slipped inside and slowly thrusting, fingertips moving slowly over my dick and he's fingertips moving to the tip of it. I moaned and bit my lip and gasped for breath as he ground against me again. I brought up my leg to rest on one side of him, halfway wrapped around his hips as I started to stroke him faster, licking my lips. I gripped onto him as I muttered against his lips,
"You could start taking out your frustration this way." and he chuckled against mine as he sucked my lower lip and plunged his fingers into me deeper, "I will. I promise."
I moaned as he got that look in his eyes, fixing on mine. When he licked his lips, I knew exactly what he was about to do and I felt myself getting even harder  in anticipation. I stroked his cock faster, he thrust his hips against my hand but started to kiss a trail down my body, nipping and biting as he did so, leaving little love bites all over me, and hand prints..
I shivered at the feel of his facial hair grazing my inner thighs and I shivered even more when I felt his teeth hook in the waistband of my boxers and I moaned loudly when I felt his thick tongue sweep slowly over the tip of my dock, dancing over it up and down it was all I could do not to moan.
I knew by the end of this I most likely would be screaming his name. It wouldn't be the first time.. Let's just put it this way. The neighbors haven't even met him at this new apartment we've gotten together and they ALL know his name.
When his tongue joined his fingers, I tangled my fingers in his hair and gripped at his shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze. I wanted him to fuck me right now..
"Seth." I begged, only to be ignored and have him completely stop when he knew I was close to getting off. He kissed his way back up my body and mumbled in my ear, "I just wanna take my time, okay?" and I nodded. Lately, sex hasn't been... Well, there hasn't been any. We've been fighting too much.
I ground my hips against the growing bulge in his sweats and slid my hand down his chest slowly, lingering at the waistband of his sweats and then slid a finger beneath, slowly traveling over the skin just beneath, making him tense up. I wanted on top. I carefully pulled him down onto the bed and straddled his hips and he moaned. I sucked his neck, leaving a mark and after tugging down his sweats and boxers I started to do to him what he'd done to me, sucking and kissing and licking my way down his body. And as soon as I slid my tongue teasingly and light over the tip of his cock, he groaned and thrust against my lips. "Babe.." he moaned out, I slipped my mouth down onto his cock further, trailing my tongue over the slit, licking up the precum gathered there and I moaned as he thrust his hips against my mouth, gasping at me
"Turn around, babe."
I turned and as soon as I did, I felt his hands at my hips, pulling my dick up to his lips again, taking me all in slipping making it all wet. I slowly stroked his cock as I sucked on it, licking down and up the entire length and then lower, taking him as deep into my throat as I could. He moaned and the vibration almost got me off, I was already so very close. "Seth... Oh.." I moaned as he thrust against my mouth, gripping my hips tighter, pulling me against his lips again and again greedily. "I wanna taste you. C'mon, babe, cum for me."
I felt my dick throbbing as his tongue danced, licking it all up greedily. I felt his cock throb and his cum filled my mouth. I swallowed quickly and he groaned, licking me faster.
He pulled me down on the bed with him and we lie there, kissing each other and apologizing for pretty much every stupid thing we'd said to each other.
"I love you, Seth."
"I love you too." he pulled me on top of him and ground me against him. I could feel his cock twitching and I licked my lower lip, starting to get hard all over again, the ache in my thighs returning.
"I'm gonna make this up to you, even if it takes all night." he promised as he slowly thrust into me. I was careful not to get too close to the injured knee, but my legs gripped his hips tightly and he slammed into me from below, his hands gripping me slowly and roughly, leaving handprints behind.
He carefully flipped us a few minutes later so that I was on bottom and he was on top. His hands pinned my hands to the bed and he slowly thrust every single inch into me and I moaned, shivering lightly as his cock brushed my sweet spot a time or two. I bought my legs up, wrapping them around his hips and he started to thrust faster, then slow down, teasing me. I was getting close again and he knew it.
I sped up our thrusts, he used his hips to pin mine, stilling my movements. I knew he'd been getting close too and when he stopped both of us from getting off, I pouted and Seth shook his head, pulled me into a slow kiss and said quietly, "I told you, dean.. I'm not in a hurry."
"Neither am I.. I just want to feel you." I moaned as he started to speed up a little.
"Turn around, babe."
"Your knee, Seth.."
"Is gonna be fine.. Turn around on the edge of the bed." Seth mumbled, nipping at my neck. I turned around, ass in the air and Seth slid off the bed, standing behind me, slowly teasing his cock along my ass and  before slowly splitting me open with his massive cock. "Seth..Fuck.." I moaned, grinding against him to speed us up just a little. His hands gripped my hips and my ass and he thrust into me harder, his hand leaving my hips to my cock wrapping it around his hand, tugging as he thrust into me.
"SETH!" I shrieked as he started to speed up, thrust sloppily, moaning my name as he bit a mark into my shoulder and my walls clenched around him, his cock throbbing, sending his cum spilling out, overfilling me, I could feel my inner thighs slick, rubbing together. I'd been a dripping and shaking mess and when he came, it definitely worsened. I kept thrusting against him as he continued to thrust before collapsing onto the bed and pulling me down halfway on top of him, pulling me into a kiss.
"I think I can handle that... Taking my frustrations out in bed." he smirked as he stroked my cheek with his fingertip. "I'm sorry papi."
"Me too champ." I mumbled, pulling myself up, pulling him into a kiss that he smiled into.

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