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He kissed down Dean's sweaty pale back, as their hands connected on Dean's stomach. He could hear Dean let out a desperate moan, before their bodies came to a full stop, at the same time. The younger boy turned his head so blue eyes could capture brown right before he was kissed, slowly, passionately by the man he loved so much. Seth came inside of him, while their tongues danced against each other's gently.

Two days ago, Seth made a decision about his life that would no doubt change the complexities of it. Two days ago Seth decided he wasn't going to let his mother run his life anymore, and in those two days they came up with a plan for getting her off his back... for good.

It started with an Instagram post.

Sounds simple right? All Dean did was post a picture of them kissing in seth bed with the CEO's arms wrapped around him and a caption that read, "he likes morning kisses." Dean usually got about 300 likes on his pictures but this one... got over 20,000 and had comments that would make his whole bloodline seethe if they searched them all. But that, was only the first straw.

The second, was one Seth thought of all by himself, one that he couldn't tell Dean about... not just yet anyway. He had turned his phone off last night because he knew the angry calls and texts were pouring in but all Seth wanted to do was make love to the most important person in his life. So that's what they did, all night long. Dean was probably sore by now but he didn't want Seth to stop. Their sex was crazy, almost... liberating last night, Dean didn't hold back on how much he wanted his dick and Seth wasn't ever going to tell him no.

Dean kissed him a few more times, chastely before Seth pulled out. He rolled off the bed and out of his arms, smiling at his boyfriend before he half limped his way towards the bathroom. Once he was gone, Seth picked up his phone from the nightstand and turned it on. He waited a few moments before.... just as he expected 50 missed calls from his mother, 80 texts and nothing but a smile on Seth face. He went to Dean's instagram and saw the picture, and the most recent comment:

Roman .empire : oh my god! he's so hot, I'm jealous! Dean text me!;)

Seth smirked at Dean's friends comment, he was going to look through his email when his phone went off yet again. His mother was calling, Seth cleared his throat and laid back against his pillows before he clicked answer.

"Mother." he said happily, "How may I help you?"


"Probably a lot, since you're screaming. How are you mother? You don't sound well."

"You think this is a joke?" Her voice turned dangerous now, "You think shaming our family like this, being with that... boy is a joke? You posted your sin for everyone to see and now we'll be talked about, disgraced even! all because of you. I warned you what would happen if you didn't marry Charlotte flair didn't I? I told you, I'd make sure you lose everything, your house, your money, your position..."

"Then I lose it." Seth said back confidently. Dean walked back into the room just then, half naked and wet with a towel around him. Seth bit his lip as he watched him dry off, while Dean smiled, taking the towel off and dropping it in front of him.

"What? Seth this... this isn't you talking. My son would never just leave everything behind like this. It's this man, he has corrupted you in some way hasn't he? please, stop this... and just... come over so we can talk?"

"Talk? Mom, three months ago I begged you to let me love him. I begged you to let me be who I am.. the boy you've known was gay since the moment I could walk. Yet you chose to keep me unhappy for the sake of money, and your name recognition. So no, I am not your son. I was your puppet, but that's all over now. You want your money? Keep it. You want Dad's business, have it. Even though we both know no one can run it better than I can. The truth is mother, I don't give a single fuck about you or your name anymore." Seth noticed Dean get in bed with him, then he got under the covers and laid down grabing Seth waist , "I'm choosing him . For once in my life... I'm happy."

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