A sethmas carol

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For it being Christmas Eve, It had been a weird day. For Seth, Christmas usually meant maybe a few house shows, a RAW taping, then home to spend the holidays with family and friends. Since he blew out his knee, it would appear that he was going to be grounded for the holidays.

He hadn't even bothered decorating. Number one, he couldn't do it with his injured knee; number two, what was the point? He wasn't exactly feeling in the Christmas spirit. In fact, he'd be happy when this stupid holiday was over. It wasn't that he hated Christmas, but he'd be alone for the first time ever.

His parents had decided that they were going to be taking a vacation this year, Spain. That's all well and good, and they had asked him if he wanted to come, but he'd said no; that he had plans. He didn't have plans. He didn't even have a tree.

He'd toyed with the idea of calling some friends over for a get together, but they had all said they would be with family. Even Roman would be in Florida this year. It wasn't like Seth didn't understand, because he did. But, shit, now it was just going to be him and the dog.

He almost called Dean.


That was a bridge he didn't want to cross. Bad memories and an even worse break-up. Besides, the way things ended between them, he'd be luck if Dean didn't set his house on fire and roast chestnuts on the burning rubble. He wouldn't put it past him.

So, he decided that he'd just sulk in the house. He didn't need anyone on this stupid holiday. All he needed was some Chinese food and 24 hours of Christmas Story on TBS. Done and done.

Ralphie had just beat up Scott Farkus when he could hear the sound of music that definitely wasn't coming from the television.

Was that fucking Christmas carolers?

With a hefty grumble, he pulled himself to his feet, grabbed his crutches, and hobbled to the front door to peer through the peephole. Just like he thought, carolers, about six of them, bundled up like they were in a blizzard when in reality it was unusually warm for Iowa this time of year.

He was in no mood for this and pulled open the door. "Hey!"

They all stopped singing right in the middle of Jingle Bells and smiled at him like he wasn't glaring at them. Then they started up again and he had to stop them again. "No, no, no! Get off my porch!"

They looked at him like he had just deflated their tires. He didn't care and pointed to the next house over. "Go bother them!"

They were shocked, but slowly moved off his property. A girl of probably 18 stuck her tongue out at him when they did and he distinctly heard someone call him 'Scrooge'.

"Yeah?" He yelled after them. "Well Bah Humbug, fuckers!"

He slammed the door closed and made his way back to the couch. Kevin, his yorkie, was looking at him with a face that clearly read 'why'd you have to be so mean?'

"Don't judge me." He said and let the small dog climb into his lap to finish the movie.

By the time Ralphie finally got his Red Rider BB gun for the second time that night, Seth was dozing off. It was getting pretty late and he should probably make his way to bed, but he was comfortable and Kevin was fast asleep in his lap and he was pretty sure here was some rule where if a dog falls asleep on you, you stay put.

Another knock at his front door jolted him, and Kevin, awake. "The fuck?"

Looking at his watch to see it was clearly too late for anyone to be visiting, he considered ignoring it. So he did.

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