Chapter 3

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I spent the rest of the night trying to come up with a plan to get these two kids out of the arena alive but my mind kept flashing back to my time as a tribuite. I remember my first night in this train- I couldn't sleep so I went out into the kitchen in my pink fluffy pyjamas to get a glass of water and there, sitting on the sofa, was my female mentor, Macy.

"You should be sleeping" she said, her head buried in a notepad.

"I can't" I looked down

"What's up, kid?" She asked, "come sit down"

"I'm just really nervous about this. I miss my family" I frowned

"Yeah, I miss my family too" she put her notebook down on the table and looked me in the eye, "I haven't seen them in years. I don't even know if they're still alive, how terrible is that?"

"Why don't you go and see them?"

"Because they disowned me" she was sighed


"Because a few years after I won the games, my sister was reaped and I was her mentor. My whole family, or what was left of it, were shattered. I done all I could to help her- I gave her strategies, I told her secrets of the arenas, I trained her very hard but she never made it. She got killed in the bloodbath right at the very start. I was too focused on training her with weapons and giving her life skills that I forgot to tell her the most basic thing- 'don't go for weapons at the cornucopia'" Macy looked to the floor, "my family blamed me for her death and have done ever since. Even more so since I was the one who pulled her name from the bowl"

"It wasn't your fault. You did your best. You need to remember that 24 people go in there and they're all trying their best to win, sometimes somebody else's 'best' is better than yours" I tried to comfort her

Macy laughed and picked up her notepad again

"What?" I asked

"I just never thought that a 12 year old could say something that intelligent" she smiled

"You can use it, if you want. I don't care about copyright" I replied

"Thanks, kid. I'll keep that in mind" she smiled and started writing the quote down

"See you in the morning" I smiled

"Wait! Hold on a second and tell me what you think about this sponsor strategy" she called, "My grandmother is very sick and she has been told that she doesn't have very long left. Before i left district 12, my grandmother asked one thing of me 'do me proud.' I am very upset about my grandmother as we were very close and tonight I plea with you, the capitolians, to give me a chance in the arena to make my grandmother proud. I don't ask for much, I just need sponsors to keep me alive for long enough to make my grandmother say, on her death bed, 'that's my girl'"

"What was that?" I asked, confused

"It's what you're going to say in your interview with Caesar Flickerman. If you don't like it, I can alter it?" She smiled, proudly

"But it's not true" I started

"Of course it's not!" She laughed, as if that was the stupidest question in the world, "you've got to give the viewers what they want and they want a sob story, they always want a sob story. If you don't like it I can change it to 'I'm pregnant' or 'my mothers pregnant' or 'my mothers dying' or, 'me and my fellow tribute are in love' or something along those lines. So what one do you like?"

"But all my grandparents are already dead" I frowned

"Even better! We'll say that the rest of your grandparents are dead and she's your last one. Great idea, kid!" She exclaimed

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