Chapter 13

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"Morning everyone" Finnick said as he walked through the doors to the kitchen

For once, I was up before someone else on this trains which is seriously an achievement.

"Morning Finnick" everyone replied with their mouths overflowing with food

"Okay, since we're all here, the rules for today. We arrive in district 4 at 11 am and like district 12, we don't leave until 6. The speech will be done at 12pm, then the question and answering session and then the message will be aired at 4pm. Free time is granted anytime that your not needed." Rivera said as she flicked through some pieces of paper.

"So, when are we going to fit in this arts and crafts station?" I asked Finnick

"I thought you needed space" he said looking at his cereal

"Doesn't mean that I don't want to go to the arts and crafts station with you" I replied, looking at him.

"Well, maybe we could fit it in between the hours of 11 and 12" he smiled. I loved it when he smiled. His smile lit up the room so vibrantly. He was amazing.

"Sure" I replied, smiling at the ground. Wait, what was I doing. Stop doing that. You do not smile at the ground, Renae Hawthorne. That is not who you are.

"Hey Finnick" I shouted as he turned around sharply, "does district 4 have a books stall it's just that ever since I finished the bleeding heart, I've been kind of lost for things to do"

"Yeah, I think so. I'll text my mom" he replied


I don't know why but I wanted to look really nice for meeting Finnicks family. I wanted to make a good impression on them. So, I decided to wear some older clothes (ripped jeans, a sleeveless satin top, small heeled ankle boots and a very long cardigan- all black of course) first and then when I come back from the arts and crafts station/ the speech I'll change into a nice dress or something. Yeah, I'll do that.

"Ready for some arts and crafts" Finnick said to me as I walked into the room

"Yeah, I sure am" I smiled

"Good, now come on we don't want to be late" he said as he put his arm out for me to connect mine with.

District 4 was a very cheerful district. As soon a I walked off of the train I could hear the many songs of the workers who were out in their boats, fishing for money. The glittering blue sky reflected off the powder blue water creating a perfect dome of blue surrounding the parts of the district that were visible to me. The only people on the street, I noticed, were woman and children which is a lot like district 12. Back there, all the men were in the coal mines and I guess that here all men were out at sea. When I made the point to Finnick, he agreed. The only time off they get is on a Sunday and whenever something important, like this, occurs.

The arts and crafts station was cute, very cute. Before Finnick and I entered, the only people present were infants and their mothers and a couple of early teenagers. As soon as we walked through the door, we caught, immediately, everybody's attention. Whispers were spread across the room as we sat down at the pottery station next to two infants and two women. Both women darted us with stares whilst the infants carried on chatting to each other in a loud babble.

If You Dare (Finnick O'Dair)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang