Chapter 15

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Tuesday afternoon

It was good to have Katniss and Peeta back, really good. I hadn't talked to Katniss ever since she got back. I should add that to my to do list. Oh wait, I actually need to make a to do list first; I should add that to my to do list. God, I'm such a looser. Now you know my hobby; thinking up terrible jokes that nobody laughs at. I'm not even sure that was a joke.

Things were going really well between Finnick and I again (I'll see how long that lasts for) So life was pretty good at the moment, apart from the fact that my family still hate me but hey, what's new.

Rico and I had arranged to meet up today as well; in the coffee shop that we met in a few weeks ago. I was really looking forward to it.

Come to think on it, I actually have friends: Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, Rico and Finnick, it's not a lot but it's five more than I've ever had before. A year ago today, I was by myself; no friends, no family, no respect. But I have friends. I have family (even though they don't want to know me) and I have a little bit of respect. Oh who am I kidding, I have no respect and I'm not even bothered by that

A smile creeped up on my face, with no warning at all, whilst I was walking to the coffee shop. I tried to clear if from there as soon as possible before anybody noticed (I wouldn't want to have a bad reputation) but it was harder than I thought.

When I arrived in the coffee shop, Rico was waiting for me by a window seat. Wow, 10 minutes early; he's eager.

"Hey, stranger" he said with a smile

"Hi" I said with a straight face

"Wow, put a bit of enthusiasm into it, will you" he laughed

I sighed, "I don't really do enthusiasm"

"Of course you don't" He rolled his eyes, "so what have you been up to since the last time I saw you?"

"Nothing" I replied, straightly

"Oh so absolutely nothing at all happened to you since three days ago"

"Nope" I replied

"I find that hard to believe with some one as.......sociable as you" he grinned

"Well what do you want me to say?"

"How about you start with where you've been the past few weeks" he hinted, "or is it a secret?"

"Snow sent me and Finnick on a tour of all the districts to talk about how terrible the rebellion is and all that junk that I'm surprised anybody
actually believed" I said

Rico fidgeted around with a button on his jacket for a couple of seconds. At first I wondered what he was doing but then be explained to me that he's a perfectionist and hat the button was loose. I don't see what fidgeting with it would do but I didn't say anything.

"So you're not completely satisfied with the non rebellion tour?" He asked, "are you for another rebellion" all of a sudden, Rico sounded like a peacekeeper; asking all these questions that made me look like I was some sort of criminal

"Well it's no secret that I hate the Capitol so if a rebellion means that maybe we'll get some freedom, then I'm for a rebellion" I admitted

If You Dare (Finnick O'Dair)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon