Chapter 8

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Still Tuesday (A/N even though it's set on Monday night but it's about 2 in the morning so technically it's Tuesday)

I lay awake in my bed after I came back down from Finnicks. I totally understand that finnick wants to be friends with her because they grew up together but personally, I can't stand her. Wow. I hate a lot of people. Must be why I don't have many friends. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm some sort of 'friend' repellent.

"Renae?" A voice said from outside of my room

"Yeah?" I replied

"Are you awake?" Peeta asked

"No. I talk in my sleep. What do you want?" I said as Peeta entered the room

"I couldn't sleep and I heard you come in so I wondered if you were up for talking to me?" He asked softly

"Sure but you should really get some sleep, we've got a lot of preparing to do tomorrow" I replied as Peeta lay down next to me

"It doesnt matter. I'll sleep when I'm dead" he replied softly

"Sure" I answered, "what's on your mind?"

"Katniss is pretty mad at me" he said

"Just a normal night for her then" I said truthfully

"I don't know if that plan was the right thing to do" Peeta whispered

"Look Peeta, Katniss will get over it. She's just to immature to realise that it will benefit her too. She's just, self centered" I said calmly

"But she's not Renae. She's not immature, she's not self centered, she's just Katniss" Peeta spoke softly

"You really do love her. You weren't acting were you?" I said disappointedly

"I think so" Peeta said as he let out a sigh, "I just don't know anymore. I thought I did but then I met you and you basically showed me things from a totally different perspective. Which is a good thing" peeta said turning towards me

"Peeta I......" I stared

"I know Renae, I know,'peeta your A good guy and all but I just don't feel that way about you, can we be friends' but the truth is that I've got too many friends at the moment" Peeta said sternly

"Well you've obviously came with your speech prepared" I mumbled

"Yeah, because I knew that you'd reject me" he said laughing

"I love you Peeta. But just as a friend, a brother or a very close cat" I laughed

"Oh good, so I'm not only friendzoned but im cat zoned." he laughed, "but I love you too"

"So is that all you wanted to talk about?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied softly

"Good. Get out I need my beauty sleep" I said jokingly

"No you don't, you've already had enough of that"he replied with a smile

"Night Peeta" I said

"Night Renn" he replied

So, the perks of being a mentor. Hmmm, is there any? Nope. But the negatives are all out there! Maybe meeting new people would be a perk. By new people i mean mentors, they're normally the type of people that are actually nice and don't judge you for what's they think you're life is like. The tributes however, judge you like a talent show. They think that they know you better than you know yourself. They think that they're too good for you, that hey know the games better than you do just because they watch them every year and make stupid bets on them. A negative of being a mentor is defiantly meeting tributes not only for the reasons above, but for the simple fact that if you meet one that you actually like and you get close to them but then they die a few days later in the arena. It's heartbreaking. It's weird because this is the way that I feel with Peeta. He's such a good guy, he doesn't deserve anything that's coming to him.

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