Chapter 10

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It's been 24 hours since the tributes went into the arena, 12 are dead, 12 are still alive. Luckily, Peeta and Katniss are still living but unfortunately for Finnick, Zale got killed in the bloodbath at the start. Luckily I warned Peeta about if and Katniss must've been smart enough to figure it out for herself. Or maybe Haymitch told her.

Unfortunately, today is the day that Finnick and I are going all around the districts to convince the citizens of Panem that the rebellion is a bad thing, even If we think otherwise.

"You got everything?" Haymitch sighed

"Everything" I replied

"I haven't forgotten if that's what your thinking, about the plan that I told you Id come up with" Haymitch smirked

"Thank god for that" I said as I dropped my suitcase

"I spoke to some of the previous victors that work in the Capitol and we figured out a way to help you out. You and Finnick will do the speech as planned by the Capitol in front of all the districts but after the speech, the both of you will go into a secret room in district 12 and record another speech telling the citizens what you really think about the rebellion and everything that Snow has done to you and your family. One of my friends and previous victors Beetee is good with hacking into electrical items so he'll try to take over the television station controlled by the Capitol that airs everything in the districts. But as the Capitol television station is different from the districts, it won't effect them so that the capitolians still actually like you. Just, stick with the plan and you'll be absolutely fine" Haymitch rushed

"Uh, could you run that by me again" I laughed

"Just follow the instructions Johanna gives you" he said as he walked away

"Haymitch, what's johanna got to do with this? It's only Finnick and I that's going" I shouted, "Haymitch!"

"Renae, you'll be fine" he reassured me.

"Promise?" I asked

"Promise" he said as he walked put of the door and put of my life for the next few days.

Man, I just really hope that this plan works. If it doesn't, Finnick and I will be in really deep waters with the Capitol.

I lugged my suitcase out of my room and into the elevator, taking down the picture that was on the side table in the hallway of the 7 of us; Mom, dad, Gale, Vick, Rory, Posy and I that was took just a week before the reaping. I really miss times like those. I really miss my dad the most out of anybody.

"Need a hand?" A familiar voice said as I stepped into the elevator

"Nope, already got two"

"Funny" he replied, "real funny"

"So, are you ready for this? Renae and Finnick take Panem" I said with sarcasm

"Totally ready. You heard about the plan right?" He whispered

"Yeah Haymitch told me" I replied getting out of the elevator at the first floor.

"Don't worry it'll all work out in the end" Finnick reassured me as I looked around to see the big screen up in the reception with Peetas face on it. It was the games. Peeta was walking around with a pack of careers searching for none other than Katniss Everdeen. Why would he do that? He told me that he loved the girl and always has loved the girl. That, that, that traitor.

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