Chapter 7

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"Hey, good job, you've practically got yourself sponsors already, well done" I say to Peeta as he comes off the stage.

"You think so?" He asked

"Know so, Haymitch is out there with Katniss meeting people and by meeting people I mean collecting sponsors" I said

"What the hell do you think you were doing out there?" Katniss screams as she comes towards Peeta in a very angry and unladylike like style

"He was trying to help you, help both of you" Haymitch said chasing after her

"He made me look weak" she said

"He made you look desirable" I said, "which actually isn't a bad thing considering that your going into an arena in a two days times to fight for your life against 23 other people who have got their plans all sorted out" I said to her in a stern voice

"Plan? So this is all a plan" she asked

"Yeah, it is...." I started

"Renae.." Haymitch said, interrupting me

"no Haymitch, if she thinks that she's so ready for this and that she is stood above all of the other tributes in the rankings just because she got an eleven then I'll tell her. Yeah it was a plan. Yeah I came up with the plan and discussed it with Haymitch and Peeta and yeah they agreed to it." I finished

"I didn't agree to it" she said dryly

"We didn't need nor did we want your consent, we were still going to do it no matter what you said Katniss because frankly, the world doesn't revolve around you as you may think" I said straightly.

"I didn't agree to it" she said once again. Man, this girl really doesn't get it does she? "I thought we were all part of a team but I guess not."

"There are no teams in that arena Katniss, at the end of the day, only one tribute comes out" I said

"Fine, if your not willing to listen to me then I don't want to work with you. I don't want you being my mentor" she said. Did she really just say that?

"You know what Katniss, your acting like a total 12 year old, you don't understand one aspect of these games. So from what I've heard you say, you think that the games are all just fun, chocolates and rainbows because they're not. You don't think that all of the other tributes have a plan too? You think that Cato was telling the truth about him getting married back home? You think that Glimmer was telling the truth about her sister having a baby? Because I bet you any money that they weren't but the capitolians are and always have been stupid enough to believe them" I said in reply.

"I don't care, I still don't want you to be my mentor" she said

"Fine! At the end of the day, you're the one going into the arena, not me. So when you do go in, don't come crying to me because you don't have any food or you've got a massive cut in your leg which affects your movement" I shouted

"It doesn't matter, I still got an eleven in the training session" Katniss said smugly

"Well for starters, your not going to win the games by shooting an apple off of somebodies head are you? Secondly, with you getting an eleven, that just makes the other tributes want to kill you even more so good luck in the arena Katniss, you'll need it" I said before walking off. "And by the way, I already got you guys three sponsors so I guess that since I'm no longer mentoring you, the money they give will just be for Peeta"

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