Chapter 21

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I got up early this morning to go out for my daily morning run. I havent gone for a while and it's really important that i get back into the swing of my fitness regime. Its a great way to keep the pounds off. Believe it or not but i used to be overweight. Just a few years after i won the games, i started eating extremely unhealthily, i never left my apartment (unless it was to get food) and I started putting on loads of weight. Of course, the media noticed and started to comment on how disgusting it is for a 13/14 year old to be overweight and it started to really hurt my feelings. Whenever i left my appartment, which was very rare, people would stare and mutter things- nasty things- under their breaths about me. I was tired of people thinking i was so infiror to everbody else just because i weighed over 200 pounds. So i proved them wrong. Those people who said that i would never be a size 4. Those people who said that i could never run a marathon. Those people who said that i would never get a boyfriend. I proved them wrong. I started to eat really healthily and exercises daily. I eventually lost 70 pounds, i now dress in a size 4, i ran a marathon last year but i still havent gotten a boyfriend. I guess that it goes to show that even if you are really skinny, it doesnt mean that you have a better chance of getting a boyfriend than someone who is overweight. Its what's inside that counts.

After I finished my run, I came back to see Rory standing by the kitchen table flipping freshly made pancakes onto plates. Johanna was sitting by his side, admiring the work he was doing

"What's all this?" I asked, close the door cautiously

"I thought that i'd make breakfast. To say thanks for letting me stay here" Rory smiled

"I helped" Johanna smiled at Rory, stroking his arm as he put down the pancakes

"Yeah, she put the oil in the pan" Rory smirked. He and Johanna looked at each other and burst out laughing

"It's an inside joke; you wouldn't understand" Johanna explained

"Oh, Okay. Well it looks great" I said, turning off my iPod and sitting down next to Johanna

"Ew. Maybe you should shower first" Johanna held her nose

"But I want to eat my pancakes warm" I pouted

"Well go and spray some deodorant or something. You stink"

"Thanks, Johanna" I replied, "you're a real confidence booster"

I walked into my room to spray some perfume when I seen three dresses shielded in a clear bag lying on my bed. Next to them were matching heels and jewellery. Everything was stunning!

"Johanna! What's all this stuff on my bed?" I shouted, picking up a pair of diamond heels

"I thought I said put them in my room, Rory. Not hers!" I heard her mutter to Rory

"Sorry, I didn't know"

"I told you quite clearly!"

"Well she was going to find out at some point anyway, wasn't she?" Rory said

"It was supposed to be a surprise" Johanna said

"I bet she's pretty surprised right now?"

"Why is all this stuff on my bed?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen with the pair of diamond heels in my hand

"Well, I didn't have anything to do whilst you were away on vacation" Johanna started

"I'd hardly call it that" I muttered

"And finnick texted me saying that you two were, um, going to dinner and I thought that I'd get you a nice dress. So I picked up 3 that I thought you might like, along with matching heels, bags and jewellery"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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