Chapter 17

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I can't believe in going back to district 12 again. That's 3 times I've been there in the past few months- 3 more times than I would've like to. I mean, what does he plan on doing there? There's absolutely nothing entertaining there. Where are we going to stay? It's not as if there's a posh 5 star hotel in the centre of the district. And I absolutely cannot stay with my family. What is Finnick thinking of taking me here? I'm going to have a horrible time. I can't wait until it's over

We got off the train at around 12 in the after no. The whole of 12 was almost deserted at this time. Children were in school and adults were at work. Finnick and I decided on the train that we were going to stop off at Haymitches first and see if we could stay there. We didn't want to go to Katniss' or Peeta's house and ask if we could stay because obviously they've got their families living in there and we'd feel as if we were intruding. Whereas, Haymitch lives by himself and could maybe do with some company

As I walked the familiar path to the victors village, I could smell the flowers that we scattered carefully by my side. Yellow ones, red ones, pink ones but no black ones. All the dead flowers had been plucked from the grass. They always are at the start of every month. Our districts motto is, "If we let the darkness in, it'll never escape" so thats why we never let the black flowers overpower the bright

I knocked on the door and a non-familiar face came to it

"Can I help you?" She asked

"Who are you?" I asked

"Excuse me?" She said in shock

Finnick nudged me, "sorry. May I ask who you are?" I said more politely

"I'm Vay Everdeen. Haymitch's housekeeper"

"Oh, you're Katniss' mom" Finnck smiled, "hi, I'm Finnick O'Dair"

"Lovely to meet you, Finnick" mrs Everdeen smiled, "well, I suppose that you and Renae better come in. Just leave your bags at the door and I'll get them"

"She knows you?" Finnick muttered

"Of course she does, everybody in 12 does"

"Haymitch, you've got guests" mrs Everdeen announced

"If it's those two boys who keep trying to sell me meat, you can tell them to get right back out that door. I've got enough meat to feed the whole of Panem"

"Good because you have guests to feed" I smiled. I ran up to Haymitch and gave him a massive hug

"Hey, what are you two doing here?"

"We were kind of hoping that we could stay for a while" Finnick said

"Of course you can! You're always welcome here. But why?"

"We just needed a break" I replied

Haymitch laughed, "so you came here?"

"Believe me. It wasn't my decision" I said glaring at Finnick

"I gathered that" he laughed, " so what about rooms? Separate or together?"

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