Chapter 11

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Finnick left, after we went to the hob, back to the train to see Rivera. Apparently, we were to meet at the stage so that's what I did. After walking Rory home, I made my way towards the stage catching the stares of many citizens of district 12.

When I arrived at my dressing room, Rivera altered my appearance from a baggy top and ripped jeans to a crystal embroiled black dress with black 6" ankle boots with silver studs on them. After that, she curled my hair and stuck a silver hairband in it. Wow, she's good. Effie never listened to how I wanted to dress but at least Rivera takes in the fact that I only wear black in public. She never asked why which I suppose is a good thing.

"Okay, you've got the speech I gave you right?" She asked

"Yeah" we both replied

"Okay, now, go out there when Mayor Undersee introduces you two and remember; posture, smile and be nice" she said referring to me with the last part.

"Okay" we both replied

"Nervous?" Finnick whispered

"Not at all" I lied

"Sure. I believe you." He said with sarcasm

"Well obviously I'm fricking nervous Finnick, this place is my home or at least it was my home. People already hate me here and I don't really need another reason for them to hate me. Hint, this speech" I whispered

"Come on, they don't hate you" Finnick said looking me in the eyes

"Um, you seen the way they looked at me when I walked into the hob, they all went silent and everybody was staring at me. Everywhere I go in this district, they all stare and it creeps me out and to be honest, it makes me want to cry." I whispered

"Well after we air this secret message then I'm sure that they'll all understand you" Finnick said

"Yeah maybe your right" I said as Finnick pulled me in for a hug.

Right at that moment, the peacekeeper, armed with guns, opened the door leading Finnick and I out to the audience of district 12. Attendance today was compulsory 'or else' and we all know what that means.

"Good evening citizens of district 12. I Finnick O'Dair"

"And I Renae Hawthorne"

"We're here to talk about the rebellion. Ever since the uprising against the Capitol ended 74 years ago, each district sacrifices 1 male and 1 female citizen, or as we like to call them tributes, to the Capitol as a mark of respect. They then, go and fight it out in the arena, specially and newly made for each game. The winner, then, is given riches of the Capitol and bathed with respect from all capitolians and all citizens of Panem as a mark of respect. So the question is, do we all really want to destroy all of the kindness given by the Capitol to all of you? Have you all forgotten about how forgiving the Capitol have been after everybody's actions at the 70th annual hunger games? They were really forgiving of all of you and what do you go and do? You go and throw it back in their faces." Finnick said

"Starting another rebellion is not the answer to all our problems. Oh, the Capitol are being mean to us let's start a rebellion. Well I hate to break it to all of you but everybody's mean. Just because it's all pretty and normal on the outside doesn't mean it's like that on the inside. Everybody has a deeper, truer version of theirselves hiding away beneath their soul and we spend most of our time blaming others for our problems when most of the time, it's that little truer, deeper version of ourselves causing the problems beneath our souls. Sometimes, you've just got to trust others even if they are a little mean from time to time. We have to put our trust in the Capitol, to trust them with our lives, trust them with our children's lives because if we do that, then a whole lot of trust in ourselves will open up and maybe that other little person way beneath our souls will have the courage and trust in us to come out and actually be a part of us, a part of Panem the Capitol wants, a part of Panem the Capitol needs and a part of Panem that the Capitol trusts" I added. Ugh, I'm actually disgusted with the words that just came out of my mouth.

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