Chapter 12

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It was longer to the train station than I first expected. I started running out of breath and the fact that I was in 5" ankle boots made it no easier.

When I got within about 60 meters of the train, I could see Finnick waiting anxiously on mm arrival. At least I hope it was for my arrival.

"Hurry up! Come on" he shouted

"I'm running as fast as I can" I screamed

"Well stop shouting and save your energy for running faster" Finnick shouted

"Shut up" I said as I finally got to the train

"I was getting worried about you" he said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Thanks I guess" I said still out of breath

Finnick pulled me into the living room where he lay down on the couch. I heard the door to the entrance of the train open and close again. Must be Johanna or Rivera.

"We're done. That's us, prison forever" I said laying my head on Finnick's chest

"Well, maybe we'll be together in prison" Finnick said breathing in and out

"Yeah, maybe" I sighed

"What's up? Apart from this whole fiasco" Finnick laughed

"It's just, I was finally starting to be happy, finally starting to believe in myself and like the person that I was becoming. My family were finally staring to like me again and I go and blow it. My life was finally starting to be fine and now I'm going to be spending the rest of my life in a prison cell or I'll either be faced with death" I started to tear up.

"I know you were, I could see it" Finnick replied staring me in the eye

"How, how could you see it?" I asked

"Just by looking at you. When I first met you in the elevator, I could literally see the stress in your eyes and normally Im good at reading people like books but you, I couldn't read you if every light in the Capitol was on. But as I got to know you, there was one light that gradually got brighter and that light was in your heart" Finnick said looking me straight in the eyes

"Wow Finnick, that was deep" I laughed

"Yeah, I'm a very deep person at times!" He laughed, "but hey, at least you got to see your family"

"Oh my god, Finnick, your sister, I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask about her. God, I'm so self centered" I screamed at myself

"It's okay, I actually haven't heard from them yet so I suppose that no news is good news, right?" He said hoping that I'd agree with him

"Yeah, yeah it is" I agreed, still lying on his chest

"It's just that, I told them that I was coming to district 4 and that I'd be able to see them after months but I guess that's not happening" Finnick sighed

"I'm so sorry...." I started

"What are you talking about, this isn't your fault, none of it" finnick said as he stroked my hair

"Yeah, it is. If I hadn't of disagreed to come in the first place just because I was scared that my family would hate me even more. Don't even try to tell me that that's not self centered Finnick" I whispered

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