Chapter 6

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We walked down to the big hall where the interviews were taking place. I guess you could say that it was more of a filming studio with the amount of cameras there were

The tributes done their stupid arrival thingy with chariots and stuff which was apparently tradition. Oh yeah, great tradition.

"Miss Hawthorne, how lovely to see you again" A familiar voice said from behind me

"Well, I can't say the same about you Mr. Crane" I replied in the same tone of voice

"Ouch. You better watch your words because that hurt!" He replied with a laugh

"What do you want Seneca" I asked

"Don't worry, I'm not here to get you back, I'm only here to tell you that snow wants to see you in his office after the interviews" he smirked

"Okay. And by the way, if you were here to get me back, I'd spit in your face" I said

As he walked, I could hear a squeaking noise coming from the corner of the room. Hold on a second, was that, another camera

"Ooohh, getting bitchy now, are we" Seneca said as he walked off.

Ladies and gentleman, the main scum of the Capitol, Seneca Crane. Urgh, that guy really gets on my last nerve, or can't you tell. We used to date, sadly, 3 years ago. It was enforced by the Capitol. They thought that if their little darling and the head game maker were to date then it would raise a lot of publicity and they were right, it did. Until people began to figure out that there was a 16 year age gap. He was 32 and I was 16. Seneca was getting a lot of abuse for it and loads of capitolian people were speaking openly about it and discussing how they thought it was disgusting and they're right, it was. A few weeks later, the capitolian government got in contact with us and we were told to break it off. Thank god. I never felt that way about him. He was always a very slimy, creepy, strange man. We only ever talked and laughed together when we were on an interview together otherwise, we would only spit words of hatred towards each other. We now have a reputation in panem of hating each other and it's great because now we don't need to pretend. That wasn't the only reason we broke up. There was another resin but I won't go into detail about it. It was my fault. I just hope that snow doesn't want me to do anything like that again, what else could he possibly want to see me in private about? Oh wait, I know, the camera.


I needed to find Haymitch, he needs to know about all of the cameras, probably wouldn't give a damn but he still needs to know. I looked practically all over backstage and he wasn't there. An hour and half later, I go back to check and there he is, at the buffet table, stuffing his fave with chicken bits and vodka.

"Haymitch, for god sakes, where have you been?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder. He jumped slightly

"Renae, for god sakes, don't scare me like that" he said mimicking my voice, "I've been over in the audience sitting down with Effie and by the way, she told me to tell you to tell Katniss to  watch her tail when she's walking up the stairs and I was like, 'What? Katnis doesn't have a tail, she's not a mouse, she's human' and then I realised that she meant the tail of her dress, so tell her to watch the tail of her dress as she's walking up stairs" Haymitch said in a fast tone.

"Why can't you just tell her?"

"Do you know how much effort that is?"

"Whatever Haymitch" I brushed him off, "I need to talk to you"

I was interrupted by the sound of Caesar Flickermans' voice, "Now, let's give a very big welcome to the mentors from district 12, Haymitch Abbernathy and Renae Hawthorne!"

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