blank space.

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Nina sat in a blank white room, only a steel table, four chairs, a small fan- atop a filing cabinet, and a giant light overhead, giving a faint, dainty spew of light. A familiar face enters, officer Burrows.

"Tell me, were you present at the time of your mothers death"?

"Yes, but I was outside. I received this". She slides her cellphone across the metal table top, and the he looks at it.

"And what was the message on the wall again"? He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Secrets can be murder". She quotes it word for word.

"What exactly does that message mean"? He questions her.

"I don't know? This person is delusional, he keeps saying her knows out secret. I don't even know Who 'he' is".

"So you have no idea who it is? We still haven't been able to contact Chase since the accident"

"Well I know you're shaken up, and I won't question you as of right now". He pauses, scratching his head. "But we need to find out who's killing your friends. So after things die down, i'd like to question you".

She nods, and he walks her out of the room, and watches her walk toward the exit.

"I know your hiding a secret, and I will find out what it is". He says to himself.

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