No more running.

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The parking lot to the hospital was packed. Nina drove into the drop-off zone, and screeched to a halt, and jumped from the car, circling the front to Reece's side.

She helped him from the car, and rushed him inside. The lobby, chock full of people looking for treatment sit in silence. Some let out 'smoker' coughs, but go back to silence. She approaches the desk.

"My friend needs help. He hit his head"!

"What happened"? The desk woman asked, her lips soaked in a thick line of lime green lipstick.

"There's no time"! Nina rushes him to the nearby doorway, where doctors rush to Reece, taking him toward the ER rooms.

She ignores the many questioning glances, and races back to Chase in his car.

"We got to go get Levi. He just got back into town". Nina says, putting the car in drive, and racing from the hospital entrance.

"But he wasn't ACTUALLY apart of the prank, he's probably clueless about all of this".

"We need all the help we can get". Nina enters the opposite lane to pass a truck, driving a mere thirty in a forty zone. She was doing close to fifty.

"You might want to slow down, or we might have to finish this in jail". Chase said, staring at her spedometer.

Nina turned harshly on a yellow light, and sped up a little. Until a classy white two story house appeared.

It was a egg-shell white, with three pillars teaching the length of the porch to the roof. There's a big three-framed window facing out a little alcove upstairs. Nina pulled into the driveway.

"Is he even home"? Chase questioned. The house sat in silence, shutting in only darkness.

"I'll go check". She gets out of the car, and rushes up the front steps. Through the windshield, he watches her knock on the door, and gets no response. She walks off the side of the porch, and shortly returns.

"Where are we going now?" Reece asked, checking to see if it was safe to back up.

"The radio station. Where it all started." Nina changed into lanes to take the on ramp.

"Nina, you keep driving like this, he won't have to worry about killing is". Reece said, gripping his seat.

"I'm sick of running, ever since this while thing started, that's all I've been doing! And now its time to an". No more hiding in the dark, this ends now!" she swerves onto a busy section of highway, racing to a gate yet unknown.

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