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The Radio station remained deserted, still blocked from society by a long strand of yellow police tape.

"Lets hope he shows".

"Who? Levi, or 'giraffe man'?" Trenton said. Looking around, as if to meet the killers stare.

A light rain begins to fall, and soaks the cement. The cement sparkles lightly, gleams of light travel through the raindrops,into the roof of the car.

"Where is he"? Chase looks around, Nina could sense the anguish in his voice.

No sooner had he said that, a black hatchback pulled into the empty spot next to them.

A young, attractively athletic guy gets out, and approaches their side, As the others get out of the cars.

"Hey Levi". Nina said, giving him a hug.

"Hey, how are you holding up"?

"As good as they can be". She said, sliding her hands into her cuffs of her jeans.

"Shall we"?... Trenton motions them toward the radio station. The stature of the building sat silent, blackened with sorrow, and memories of that night. Like the nightmare was restarting itself. She imagined Lacy falling from the roof again. And she gagged.

"I'm alright". Her voice cracking, as the others look back to her.

They enter the building, and see everything like it was that night. Chairs still pushed in, the radio antenna pushed to it's hibernating state. The "on the air" sign was off, and covered in dust. The building was pitch black. And Nina and Levi turn the flashlights.

"Levi, I'm so sorry about Lucy". She begins to break down, but catches herself. "you leave town, only to come back for your sister's funeral. And I feel bad for it".

"It's ok." he looks back at her, and grabs her atm in assurance. "It's not your fault".

She keeps her mouth shut, and lets the guilt sink in. He didn't know it was their fault, and they knew it.

They climbed a flight of stairs, onto the second floor. Their flashlight beams dance on the wall, swaying door to door, looking for any sign of the killer.

"What are we looking for"? Trenton asked?

"Me"! A gravly voice echoed behind him, and he is hit with blunt end of the blade. The curve of the blade stabs through Chases mouth, out the back of his neck. The killer pulls the blade free.

"Run!" Nina grabs hold of Levis' hand and runs, but he don't budge. "Come on Levi, lets go". Her voice filled with panic.

"I don't think so". He pulls the giraffe mask from his back picket, as the robed killer steps up next to him.

"What's going on"? Nina asks, feeling sick to her stomach. The figure removes the mask, and she almost faints.

"Officer Burrows"? Nina can barely speak.

"Hi again Nina". He throws the mask to the floor. "How are things"?

"Bu...bu...but why"? She asked.

"Since I knew there was fowl play, I talked to Levi here, and he said you guys were acting weird".

"You were silent". Levi cuts in.

"And when I mentioned Lacys case, your face glowed of guilt like a "open" sign".

"So I talked to Officer Borrows...I mean Tra, about what we could do. You had no idea how fun it was to watch everyone pay for the wrongs they did".

"What about Travis"? Where die he fit into this"?

"Wrong place, wrong time". Tra smirks.

"He saw too much what happened to Morgan. We couldn't let him get away and ruin our plan. I hated doing it, but it had to be done".

"Sorry my ass". Nina said with pure hast.

"I'm sorry, if you weren't such a guilty bitch, we would have never known you were in on it. We only suspected Glenn till you came to the station".

"Derek was the most fun. He screamed for mercy. For someone to help him. He screamed for you Nina".

"You son of a..." she goes toward him, hand raised in a slapping position. But the blade of the pickaxe scrapes her jacket, and she stops.

"All of that is on you".

How is killing everyone justice for Lacy? She wouldn't want that".

"If you guys weren't such bitches and assholes, she'd still be alive. But had to prank her. Always had to be her at the blunt of her jokes. She told me through tears, not long before you guys killed her, she only felt like your puppet. Your little obstacle to play with and laugh at when you please".

"That's not true". Nina said, years foaming in her eyes.

"And you have no right to speak "justice". You for your freedom, while my baby sister layed in a bodybag. My mom couldn't take it, and died of a overdose on her sleeping pills and alcoholism. My dad left me and this town behind without a goodbye". He begins to tear up. "How is that fair"?

"What about my mom"? Why did you kill her"?

"Seemed fair". I lost my sister and mom. It only seemed fair I'd take yours too".

"You didn't have to do that. You could have arrested us, Take us to jail. Killing us ain't the answer".

"It is for me". Levi snapped. "A life for a life".

"Kill her, Tra". Levi looked at Tra and smiled.

"I don't think so". Tra swings the blade of the pickaxe into Levi's chest, and Levi looks at Tra in a horrified, shocked expression. And Tra pulls the blade free, as Levi falls to the floor.


"You have no idea how annoying he was". Tra looks at Nina. "Always ordering me around, acting like my boss."

"You sick fuck, you've lost your mind". Nina looks at Levi's Dead body.

"You should really work on your guilty issues. I became suspicious when you came into my office, more jittery than a kitten on Redbull."

"And you aren't a real cop, are you"? Nina asked.

"No! But, here's a twist. I'm Lacys step brother".

"And you killed your step brother"? Nina looks back to Levi's body.

"Well we never got along".

"You bastard! This whole thing started, and now you going to end it The same way? What's wrong with you"?

"'s going to end with you"! He lunges and Nina darts to the side, running around Trentons unconscious body. The boots of the killer echo after her. He runs down a hallway, not seeing the killer behind her no more.

The lights all turn on. And flood the whole building...

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