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She sprinted down the hall, into a recording room. She shuts the door, and turns the lock. She tips a record shelf in front of the door, and rushes to the deask, reaching for the phone.

She picks up the receiver, just as the line goes dead.

"Shit"! The door opens partially, and sees Tra trying to get in.

"There's nowhere to hide. Open the door, and lets finish this"!

She rushes to the "record room" door, to find it locked. As she turns to look back, Tra throws her to the floor, next to the tipped over shelf.

He leaps on top of her, pinning her down.

"Welcome to the final act! A little view of your future, and I can tell you it's short"! He swings the blade, and she closes her eyes, waiting for the blow. But at the last second, She darts her head to the side, and the pickaxe blade stabs the floor.

She reaches over for a broken record, and slices it across his cheek, and his shoulder. He screams, and slaps her really hard.

"Bitch"! He raises the blade out of anger, and she stabs him in the shoulder, near the cut she gave him.

He jump to his feet, screaming at the broken record jabbed into his shoulder, and she gets up after him. He drops the pickaxe onto the floor, and she picks it up.

"No..." she looks at him. "It ends with you"! She swings the blunt edge of the pickaxe, throwing him backward, and he falls through the recording room window. Glass shatters, and falls onto the floor. She drops the pickaxe, and stares at his motionless body. A pool of blood shrouds his body, soaking his clothes.

She runs back to where Trenton lays, and shakes him, he doesn't move.

"Trenton"! She slaps him, and he stirs.

"We got to get out if here." Nina lifts him up, and helps him out if the building. By the time the police arrived, it was becoming daylight.

She knew she would be questioned, but this time is different. This time. She would be truthful.

And truthful she was

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