Home at last.... or is it? (10)

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Alexia's POV

The wind in my hair felt absolutely amazing as the motorcycle continued to roar to life.

I hope to god that the sound of the motorcycle didn't wake Jackson up. Or if someone leaving in the middle of the night was normal enough for him to sleep through it.

That's when I realized I had absolutely no idea where I was going or how long it would take to way home.

So my mind panicked and I almost swerved into the opposite lane but I managed to pull it off and then proceeded to pull over.

I fumbled with my phone as I pulled it out of my pocket and quickly unlocked my phone, going into maps and typing in my location.

My eyes read over the information and gaped at the numbers.

An 8 hour drive! Are you kidding me!?

I felt into my pockets to make sure I had cash for gas I would definitely need.

Luckily it was there, Jackson must've given me some and I didn't remember.

I then decided to shoot Jackson a quick text  about where I was so that when he woke up he didn't kill someone or whatever. I giggled to myself at the oddity of how that was beginning to become normal to think about.

Plus if he got mad at me for leaving without his "approval" or whatever, it would take him 8 hours to come and get me and I knew my town better than anyone so I knew all the nooks  and crannies to hide in.

So now I just had to wait 8 hours until I got there.......


The bike glided across the road as the sun slowly rose. I made my way across the town line into my home town.

My beautiful town.

I found myself speeding up to get to my home faster. Seeing my family grew to be a huge pit in my stomach that wouldn't fade until I knew they were okay.

I really wasn't sure if my dad was home yet or still in the hospital. Rage and fury grew for Jackson the more I thought about his shooting my father.

It was a stupid move in the first place to put my trust into his hands.

But that unexplainable pull towards him. That was what confused me. Did my heart want him? Or my mind?

My eyes passed over every single street sign and every house. The perks of a small town were that you knew everything and everyone and they knew you too.

I finally turned on to my street, tiredness creeping at the back of my eyes. But my determination was keeping me wide awake.

I grew anxious as my eyes laid on my apartment towards the end of the street.

"Home." I found myself whispering as I accelerated to the parking lot, parking right in the front and kicking down the kickstand before sprinting through the apartment doors.

It struck me as odd that the front desk lady wasn't at the front desk like usual but I didn't have time to stop and think about it.

Then the elevator wouldn't open either. Tears threatened against my eyes with anxiety and frustration. So I sprinted towards the stairs.

"Hey!" A rough voice shouted from behind me.

I skidded on my heels and whipped my hair around, my hair smacking me in the face.

My eyes widened at the police officer shining a flashlight down the hallway that led to the stairs. The lights were fairly dim but it's not like I noticed that.

"Sir, I live here." I replied back, trying to keep my patience in control.

"This building was evacuated and put under investigation after the shooting, ma'am. You're trespassing!" The officer told me as he began walking towards me.

"What!?" I felt my face drop. Where was my family?

"Where to?" I asked frantically. "I need to see my family. Sir, you don't understand!"

"Ma'am, you're under arrest for trespassing." The officer snarled at me, frustration clear in his eyes.

"No, no, no, no! You don't understand!" I began backing away from him as he pulled out the handcuffs.

He noticed my sudden movement and placed his hand over the taser.

"Excuse me miss, I'm doing my job." He said, his eyes squinting.

I bolted.

I sprinted like hell down the hall through the emergency exit.

No alarm.

I bolted down the street, hearing shouting and running from behind me.

But I knew these streets more than anyone.

I twisted and turned through alleyways and side roads until I was 6 blocks away from my apartment. I stopped to catch my breath and recap over what has just happened.

I heard sirens ringing off in the distance and I pressed my back against a brick wall in an alley way between a bakery and a drug store.

My heart was pounding out of my chest and my breathing was heavily traveling across the crisp dawn air.

It was slowly getting lighter but I could still barely see past my extended arm.

Then I felt the tears.

I began to cry like no tomorrow. This was all for nothing. My family wasn't here. My phone was almost dead. Money almost gone.

It was all for nothing.

Then a hand slapped over my mouth.


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