chp 5: The Manticore

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I looked around angrily, searching for the creature that had dared to attack Percy. There it was, a manticore. "Hello, Annabeth." he smiled at me.

"Not you again." I said with even more anger. It was Thorn, the guy from the school from where we rescued Nico and Bianca. had been a long time since she had..............

I suppressed my emotions and drew my dagger. "Come on!!" I beckoned.

He leaped to my front and lunged but I was quicker, I dodged and gave him a blow on the head. "Ah! I see you have improved, Luke will be proud." he beamed at me as I went into a flashback of all the good times I had enjoyed with Luke.

I was just getting back to my senses when he attacked again."Ahhh!!!" Too late this time, his tail stung bad, and I fell to the ground. I tried to snap out of it and looked up at the manticore. He was just about to send me to Hades when he was washed away by a huge crashing wave of water.

"Percy......." I said before I blacked out.

Some time later......

I slowly came around and everything seemed to be blurry.

"Welcome back, wise girl." Percy smiled at me as he packed up the box of ambrosia.

"Thanks for saving me percy." I muttered, trying to smile.

I felt my side, trying to check if there was a spike in there. Nothing.

"That was my duty, you are my wife now, forgot the vows." he smirked.

I stuck out my tongue. It felt so nice that I was married to Percy but suddenly I remembered what Dr.Thorn had said. Thinking about Luke and Bianca was downright depressing.

"Why the sad face?" he asked, concerned.

"Its just that Thorn reminded me of Bianca and Luke....." I sighed.

Even Percy's face grew grim." We can't do anything about those right." he looked sadder than me.

"Right." And we had a few moments of silence.


"Hi Chiron." I said as I sat down beside the centaur.

"Oh hi Jason." he replied with rather a grim expression.

"What happened Chiron?"

"Percy and Annabeth Iris messaged me."


"They were attacked by a manticore, Dr.Thorn."

" attacks since about 2 years and suddenly, 2 attacks on the same couple in a week. Looks like your much awaited attacks have occured Chiron." Leo said as he entered along with the others.

"Yes, Leo, thats odd......and I am not happy about it." he stared at Leo with his most stern expression I had seen.

"So.......what does it mean??" Piper suddenly asked.

"Something has begun or maybe the monsters were scared after Gaia was defeated, so they were away till now, but now their fear is gone due to some reason......" He said.

"On a lighter note, I am pregnant Jason." Piper said, blushing all red.

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