chp 18: Time to Battle!

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A/N: Ok guys, the name of the chapter is enough for you to guess, but anyways the first set of fights is right here. Saw the BOO cover btw?! It's so damn awesome and the note of new york times! God! It's just perfect and well, uncle rick may start a new series about norse gods! I hv my fingers crossed.


We landed with a thud and the first thing I saw left my eyes widened. The sky was almost filled with about a hundred Ra'zac. The empire's troops were shooting them down but from the number of bones lying on the ground, the Ra'zac had enjoyed this meal.

The 'creatures' or should I say Pokemon (AN: Yes! thats what they were. And don't worry, just think of them as tame monsters, one is a 500 pound blue walrus and the other is a great dane sized black alsatian dog with wicked horns.) were destroying all evidence of civilization in the area. I noticed a reddish glow in their eyes.

I pulled out Riptide and got ready for all the Ra'zac flying towards us. I just hated it that we smelled so tasty. Anyways I slashed and hacked like there was no tomorrow and the other guys were doing something similar too. The air around us was not so clean all thanks to these stupid insect-like things (Ra'zac). I was getting drowsy but the roar of a leopard knocked me back into my senses.

Apollo who stood there watching threw me a mask which removed all evidence of the intoxication in the first place. I smiled at him and turned to see others wearing the mask too and a leopard was wearing one too. Frank was doing good, biting and clawing the Ra'zac. I cut off the wings of one who came close to me and cracked another one's skull. It was awesome how celestial bronze worked on them. It felt like cutting through butter.

There was a sudden burst of lightening and many of the Ra'zac were fried. Then I noticed something, they were avoiding the water shot by the Walrein. I shot a bit of water from a stream at them and they hissed and fell to the ground. Cool! I thought and summoned a huge wave from the sea, remembering to save the humans and only drown the Ra'zac. Jason electrocuted the water from some extra effect and soon the only things left were the shade and the Pokemon.

I lunged at the Walrein, but it dodged and shot ice at me. I dodged barely and saw Leo and Jason trying to defeat the Houndooom. It would growl at even a drop of water falling on it. That gave me an idea.

I screamed, "Jason, Leo, switch places with me! Quick! Fry the Walrein and use fire to counter the ice. I can easily defeat the dog."

They nodded and we switched. I saw Frank distracting Trizra while we fought and Apollo helping him. I summoned some cold water from the sea and hit it full on the dogs back. It whimpered and fell to the ground, fainted. I pumped my fist and then the shadow triad reached us.

"Great Work forgetting us cuz." Nico said sarcastically.

I frowned and turned to see a fainted Walrein flying and hitting Thorn square in the chest. Ouch! I thought.

Thorn groaned and I laughed. Bob summoned small bob, who believe me, has lost the right to be called small cause thats the largest Spartus I have seen!

It spat at Trizra and Bob used some of his powers to get Trizra trapped. "Nice to see you Iapetus!" Apollo greeted.

"Pleasure to meet you too Apollo." Bob said. They shook hands and got back to catching Trizra who had escaped. Both of them teleported after him using their combined powers but he teleported back here, while they went away, Zeus knows where.

"Give up, young kids of the gods! My new powers are enough to crush you like insects." Trizra said with an evil laugh.

"Because I am here!" Someone said.

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