chp 12: Looks who's here on the ship!!

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Author's note

Hey fans, I know you dont hear from me much and this the first of the kind, but anyways, here's the next chp, and it may be 2 weeks before I post again, thnx for reading and pls spread news. I'd love it if u guys vote a bit, coz till now, JaysonPerry is the only one who thought of it. Thnx a lot dude.


Leo (AN :lets have a perfect Caleo moment)

So, here we are sleeping on my dear ship again. It really was cool, lying on the deck alone, except of festus of course, thinking of pranks to play and jokes to crack. Oh and of course, how to turn immortal.

"Hey", a voice came from the stairs.

"huh?" I said as I turned to look at Calypso standing there.

"I just wanted to give you company." she said.

"Why not? Come sit." I said, sitting up with a jolt.

We sat there, holding hands and staring at the land in front of us. it was a half hours journey and I wanted to go tonight but well, the others said that they didn't want to go barging in on the people late at night.

"I'm sleepy, good night." Calypso said, putting her head on my chest.

"good night." I sighed, hugging her back, curious to what would we do the next day.

"Leo?" she said, looking up at me.

"yeah." I replied, looking at her cute almond shaped eyes.

She sat up straight, then stared at my lips.

"Wha-" I said just before I had one of the best feelings in the world on my lips.

"I love you." she said, pulling back.

"M-me too" I said, confused but with a idiotic grin on my face.

She snugged closer and was gonna drift off to sleep, when I said "You know, that would be an excellent way to get someone to shut up, or to make them flinch."

She gave me an awkward glance, then grinned, before dozing off.

"good night calypso, and mom." I mumbled, before I followed suit.


"Are my pets ready?" I asked my servant.

"y-yes s-sir" he said, trembling with fear as he bowed.


I was satisfied, my pets, which I had made using a kids game, were finally ready. The ra'zac were prepared too.

"Percy......" I said, looking at a picture of a black haired kid, wearing a worn out orange t-shirt."prepare to die!" I boomed, my evil laughter crackling through the room. The firedog howled on hearing this, while the watershooting walrus curled in a ball.

Next morning.....


I was flying through the sky, rising sun at my back, the two-legs round-ears city of Teirm right below me, the vast ocean in front.

"Hey, see that dot there, that's the ship we are going to." Murtaugh said, pointing towards a floating ship roughly half hour away.

Dot for your puny human eyes, I can see a ship, with two hatchlings on board. I muttered to my rider.

"Wow really, I'll see through your eyes then." he said to me.

I grunted an approval. "Cool." he said. I smirked.


"wake up thunder boy, festus saw a red dragon approaching." leo screamed in my ears.

"a dragon?" I exclaimed, sitting up with a jolt.

"hey, you're up!!" he said, as he ran out to wake the others.

I got dressed quickly and ran to the deck, sad to be the last to arrive, excluding piper of course, she took a lot of time to get ready nowadays, probably because of not wanting to hurt the little guy inside.

I looked to the sky and well enough, there was a red reptile flying with huge wings towards us at a high speed. It was almost at us by now, barely a minute away.

"Whoa!!", frank said as it slowed and hovered above the ship, probably finding a spot to land.

I agreed with Frank, that was one of the most awesome creatures I had seen. It was probably better than olympus and my dad too.

The sky rumbled at that thought and realising that my dad had heard, I prayed a quick sorry.

Anyways, that thing was huge, with deep bloody red scales and menacing eyes, with a lighter pinkish bottom and a thick, deadly tail swaying behind it. I had spikes all along its neck and back, right upto its tail. That was when I saw the guy waving from its back.

Hello, my name is Murtaugh, as you can see, I am a dragon rider. Now can I get some space to land, the deck is big enough, if you kids move towards the stairs. I'm a friend, at least if you mean peace, so dont worry. I flinched as I heard this in my head, strong and highly masculine. The expression on everyone else's face told me that they had heard too.

"Holy styx, that guy just spoke in my head!!" leo cried out.

"Thats what Thorn meant." Annabeth muttered.

"What?" I asked.

"Whatcha waiting for, get back.", Annabeth said.

The dragon landed, eyeing all of us, as if to say that he was watching us. Murtaugh jumped off the saddle, and walked towards us.

"So, first of all, who are you kids and where do you come from?" he asked.

We gave him our entire description, once Annabeth confirmed that he is a good guy, telling him of everything, from the gods to gaia to our latest problem, Geryon.

hmmm....a shade with 3 hearts, controlling the ra'zac, the rumour is true then. another voice boomed.

All of us flinched again.

"I agree thorn, sorry for speaking directly in your mind kids but you see, thats the only way thorn can communicate." Murtaugh said.

Then it donned on me, the dragon was speaking.

"The red lizard talks!!" Piper exclaimed.

I'd prefer the term dragon, two legged female. Thorn said, glaring at her.

"Ok sorry" she said, getting over the shock.

" turn then, I'll get my brother Eragon telling you about Alagaesia." he said smiling for the first time.

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