this is really l8

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Just a quick FYI its always gonna be readers POV unless stated otherwise

My eyes opened. Not fluttered open that that stereotypical bullshit, I had to basically pry them open because my body was not feeling like waking up.

At first I had to think about where I was, and then I realized, "oh right, I had to be a good house guest and give my room away. Fuck me. Fuck manners." I though as I sat up on the couch, and looked at my phone to see it was a few minutes before 9 am. Also to see a message from Aradia, who I gave my chum handle to last night, thanking me for having her over. What a sweet heart.

I waited for a few seconds to determine whether the others were up, but it was silent besides a car passing by, and a few birds chirping outside the window.

I decided to try and actually make breakfast for once, but once I got in the kitchen I thought "fuck that, these guys can settle for some eggs and day old muffins from Walmart" as I started cracking eggs into the pan. Suddenly, I heard someone behind me, assuming it was Karkat. However, when I turned around I was surprised to find Gamzee.

"What time is it motherfucker?" He said, yawning. "Almost 9:15" I responded, turning back around to stir these glorious eggs. "What are you making?" He asked, moving to stand beside me. "Eggs. They're almost done, but there's some muffins over there if you want one of those." I said, pointing to the bunch of 4 muffins that I put on a plate. Y'know, to look fancy and shit.

He walked over and grabbed one, starting to eat it. "So, when do we get to meet some of your friends?" He asked. I tensed slightly. "Hah, I dont have any friends." I said moving the eggs into equal parts on three plates.

"That's crazy, someone as chill as you should have tons of friends" he said in response. I shrugged, because I didn't really feel like having this conversation right now.

Just as I set the eggs and muffins down on the table, Karkat walked in rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of the sweater that is slightly too big for him. What a cutie pie.

It was a nice breakfast. We had conversations about movies, what we wanted to do today, stuff like that.

We finished at about 10 am. "Its gonna be a good day." I thought, slightly smiling.

That's what did think at least, until my dad walked in the door, saw Karkat and Gamzee standing there, and suddenly looked at me very, very angrily.

A/n: good golly I'm sorry this is so late but. You know. I'm a piece of trash so. Thanks for reading y'all! If I ever get around to finishing either this one, or my ticci Toby story I'm probs gonna start another story soon, if all goes to schedule and I'm not a lazy ass, hopefully by like December.

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