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K so
This isn't really an update but
I thought I would share my planned ships with you guys
Also, as of right now, I'm not 100% certain I'm gonna add the dancestors, but I'll put them in too just in case

Beta trolls/kids:

Karkat: ♥ with Dave; ♦ with kanaya
Aradia: ♥ with Sollux;
Tavros: ♦ with Dave;
Sollux: ♥ with Aradia; ♦ with Terezi
Nepeta: ♦ with Equius;
Kanaya: ♥ with Rose; ♦ with Karkat
Terezi: ♦ with Sollux;
Vriska: ♥ with John;
Equius: ♦ with Nepeta;
Gamzee: ♥ with reader;
Rose: ♥ with Kanaya;
John: ♥ with Vriska;
Dave: ♦ with Tavros;

I'm thinking about making Feferi and jade date, or have Eridan and Feferi be moirails. But please comment and tell me if you have any preferred ships, even if I already have them paired with someone!!

Now, the alpha trolls/kids:

Kankri: ♥ with Cronus; ♦ with Porrim
Damara: ♦ with Latula
Rufioh: ♥ with Horrus;
Mituna: ♥ with Latula;
Meulin: ♥ with Kurloz;
Porrim: ♥ with Aranea; ♦ with Kankri
Latula: ♥ with Mituna; ♦ with Damara
Aranea: ♥ with Porrim;
Horrus: ♥ with Rufioh;
Kurloz: ♥ with Meulin;
Cronus: ♥ with Kankri;
Roxy: ♥ with Jane;
Dirk: ♥ with Jake;
Jake: ♥ with Dirk;
Jane: ♥ with Roxy;

Once again, please offer help on these ships as well, even if theyre already filled in! I'd really appreciate it!

You can either message me some suggested ships, or comment on here! I'll most likely choose the most commented/suggested one (as long as I like it lol)

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