It's for the better? Ya Know?

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Skip to when Kakashi and Naruto are supposed to talk in the hospital...

Naruto walked into the hospital. He needed to see Hinata before training. He had some ideas for seals. He had read many books on it, but never applied them in battle. Ever since he'd battled Kiba, opened his scroll to be more specific, he had gotten more and more idea's. It was like that scroll unlocked a whole network of knowledge full of seals. He'd see Hinata, and Sasuke was supposed to be here too, but Naruto didn't know why. 

Kakashi had told Sasuke to go to the hospital to make sure he was in perfect shape for training, because he'd need all his strength for what Kakashi was going to teach him. Kakashi was wandering out to the lobby when he saw Naruto talk to the nurse and walk towards a room. Completely bypassing him as if he didn't exist. 

Kakashi found this a bit weird. Naruto should be...begging for training. Oh shit! He completely forgot Naruto had won his battle with Kiba. He hadn't found a coarse for Naruto to follow. But still, Naruto should've at least said hi. Now that Kakashi thought about it, Naruto looked kinda out of it. So he decided to follow his blonde student. 

Kakashi followed Naruto all the way out side of Hinata's door. Naruto seemed to ponder for a moment his eyes in a daze. When he finally snapped back into reality he clutched his head as if he had a headache and took out a pen and started to scribble something on his hand and pulled back down his sleeve. Kakashi couldn't read the writing because he was too far away, but he did notice that Naruto had alot of writing on his hand. Naruto walked into the room and a few minutes later came back out.

"Feel better Hina-chan!" He said happily and closed the door. Naruto walked toward the lobby and when Naruto rounded the corner, Kakashi would make his appearence. But Naruto never did. Kakashi looked over the corner and saw Naruto there just standing in his daze. Then when he snapped back into reality he pulled up his sleeve and noticed he had too much on his left hand so he pulled up his other sleeve and wrote on his right wrist instead.

'hmm I didn't know he was ambidextrous'  By the time he ended his entire arm was covered in notes. And Naruto rushed around the corner only to bump into Kakashi. Kakashi gazed down at him with his one eye.

"Oh hey sensei, didn't see you there, ya know?" Naruto laughed nervously.

"heh well it looks like you didn't 'see' me when you walked in the lobby, ya know" Kakashi said and mocked the last two words.

"Oh sorry, I guess I wasn't paying attention, ya know" Naruto said pulling at his sleeve and averting his eyes to the ground. This didn't go unnoticed by Kakashi.

"Oh Naruto, a ninja must be vigilant" Kakashi scolded lightly "Ya know" he smirked under his mask.

"W-Why are you mocking me sensei?!" Naruto accused "I mean it's not my fault I say that, ya know!" Naruto turned red when he said it again.

'hmm oh he's just Naruto. It's fun teasing him, but he has yet to ask...'

"Naruto what do you plan to do for the month?" Kakashi asked on a serious note. Naruto looked up at him with guilty eyes as he tugged more on his sleeve.

"I umm Nothing, ya know" Naruto mumbled.

"Nothing? You have the fight with the Hyuuga, you should probably train. Don't get cocky." Kakashi said, but he was actually really worried and a bit guilty. Naruto probably wasn't going to train because he had no instructor. But why in the world isn't he gonna ask for help.

"I'm not cocky, ya know" Naruto mumbled a bit irritated.

"Oh then why aren't you gonna train?" Kakashi asked, thinking he knew the answer.

"I am, ya know. Or maybe. I don't know, ya know . It's not training. More like preparing, ya know? " Naruto fumbled over his words and used 'ya know' a lot.

"Well, ya know, Training ,ya know, and preparing, ya know, are the same thing, ya know?" Kakashi said in a normal voice but mocked Naruto's use of his phrase.

"Stop mocking me, ya know!" Naruto yelled turning red. "And this is different, I don't think it's training, although I should do..." Naruto mumbled and trailed off. He snapped up. "Thanks Kakashi sensei, you were a big help, ya know!" Naruto said running off. He had to write down what he'd just thought, but there was no room on his hands. But he didn't get far as he bumped into Sasuke and fell. 

"Loser, watch where you're going" Sasuke sighed.

"Hey, teme you were in my way, ya know." Naruto said back.

"Pay attention" Sasuke said and noticed Kakashi was doing hand signs in a certain pattern. oh now he got it "Ya know?" he asked and Kakashi nodded.

"I swear if you two are doing that to annoy me, ya know" Naruto said getting pretty annoyed. Sasuke offered a hand and when Naruto reached up to take it his sleeve slipped a bit and Kakashi looked at it like it was the newest model of Icha Icha. But he couldn't see it because Sasuke got to it first.

"What this loser" Sasuke pulled Naruto's arm closer to study the script. 

"hmm what did you find Sasuke" Kakashi said casually and walked over. Naruto was in a bit of a panicky mode right now and ripped his hand away before sensei could see it.

"Loser, what's that writing? I've never seen anything like it before." Sasuke said.

"It's...Jin-script, ya know" Naruto mumbled a bit of pink adorning his cheeks

"What's that, never heard of it before." Sasuke asked.

"Good, you're not supposed to know it, ya know." Naruto said.

"What is that supposed to mean loser"

"Nothing, ya know" Naruto said and turned to leave. Kakashi nor Sasuke called him back. 

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