Battle Sequence 1 2 9

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The team got back to Konoha about a day later. They were making their way to the Hokage tower.

"Ok so what I'm getting from this mission report is that these 4 children need a place to stay." Tsunade said. Sasuke nodded (since he was squad leader) "Any information on the Akatsuki" she asked looking at Naruto specifically.  Naruto stepped back, as did Garra. Kana stepped forward, she usually was spokes person on the team, when it came to oral reports. It's not that the other two were shy it's just, Garra had a weird way of wording things and Naruto has had too much emotional connection with Tsunade in the past that it wouldn't be professional.

"We believe that Kisame and Itachi were there due to eye witness reports," she glanced at Somo "and inspection of damage. We also have reason to believe that they are in the land of water, so the Kiri team can take them." Kana stepped back while Hinata, Sasuke and Neji were in silent shock that the girl, who they thought didn't know the meaning of respect, had actually shown professionalism.

Tsunade sighed "Ok ANBU will take the children, you 6 are to take a break until further notice." She waved them off and they were about to leave when Tonton oinked "Oh yes! Nashiki, hold on a minute." They all stopped and Kana turned around with a stoic face and hands behind her back

"Yes Hokage-sama" she said confidently and almost robotic like it was some kind of programming that only allowed her to be formal to higher ups by habit.

"Since you will be staying here in Konoha for at least the next 2 years, I would like you to keep in mind: you might want to find your own apartment. I know you stay at Naruto's between rotations, but while you are a jinchurriki you are also a girl. Just keep it in mind, you have no orders to do so yet." Tsunade said, Kana let her mask slip a bit and she cocked her head to the side and gave a smile.

"Of coarse, hokage-sama." she said a little sweetly almost mockingly and Tsunade gave a smirk. She still kept with in the lines of professionalism, but leave it to Kana to find a way to add a bit of her own personality into the mix.


"So you gonna take her up on that offer?" Naruto asked as they walked down the corridor.

"Maybe... I mean no one here knows I'm a jinchuuriki yet. I should find one before everyone hates me here." Kana said and Garra sighed.

"Why do you guys think everyone will hate you?" Hinata asked innocently.

"I mean you must of felt some sort of malice when you met me right?" Kana smiled devilishly and Sasuke and Neji gave an exasperated sigh.

"I mean you're not all that just have to dig really really really really deep to find some sort of likable trait." Neji said and for some reason Kana wore a proud smirk.

"Here's a more accurate question: Why do you want everyone to hate you?" Sasuke asked and turned around to face Kana. Everyone stopped and Kana just looked at the Uchiha. THere was silence until Kana smirked.

"Just easier that way" she said and continued on. Everyone else was still.

"Well that's Kana for you..." Naruto said. "How 'bout some ramen!" Neji, Hinata and Sasuke all looked at him for a minute before nodding and Garra sighed and followed.


"So what have you guys been doing these last few years?" Naruto was trying to start up a conversation.

"Uhh nothing much. Training. Missions." Sasuke answered and Neji grunted in agreement.

"So they don't allow you guys to have rankings?" Hinata asked.

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