The Odd Card

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Naruto limped out of the stadium and into the hallway, where no one could see him. He slid down the wall slowly panting for air. He'd won. Both battles. He panted and smiled briefly. He'd prove them all wrong, and now there was 15 minutes until the next match. He had to somehow manage to make it up there to watch and support Sasuke in his match against...Garra. 


Garra. A fellow jinchuriki, someone who understands him. Someone like him. He has a demon inside him too. He was the one person in that entire arena who knew the burden, the pain, he knew. 

Naruto had a mental fight with himself. He should be supportive for Sasuke, but who'd be supportive for Garra? No one. Not even when he won did anyone clap. Why would they for Garra, he was sadistic. But Sasuke was his friend and he'd be going up against a Jinchuriki too. Besides he had his siblings right? Naruto was going to go crazy with his decision. 

Naruto got up and used the wall as support, he couldn't feel anything. 

"Naruto" he heard a familiar voice say. He turned and a blue shirt was muffling his voice. Sasuke was so close. Sasuke put a hand on his shoulders and he winced. Sasuke didn't let go though and bent down. "Rest...Your next match is tomorrow anyway." Sasuke stressed. 

"Yeah right bastard, what makes you think I'm going to give...up" Naruto managed to say in one breathe, but it was strangled.

"Idiot," Sasuke grunted "There is nothing to fight, you won. You can rest." Sasuke said.

"...But-" Naruto was cut off by another voice.

"HEY NARUTO! You WON! Great Job!" Kiba's voice said from behind him.

"Kiba...?" Naruto asked.

"Great" Sasuke smirked "Hey could you take Naruto to the infirmary" he said and Kiba nodded giving Naruto no say in the matter.

"Yeah let's go" Kiba said and put one of Naruto's arm around his neck. When they got far enough away from Sasuke's earshot,Kiba asked "Ready for his match." Naruto smiled

"Wouldn't miss it"


Sasuke stood in front of Garra. Genma looked at the two and sighed.

"The match between Sasuke Uchiha and Garra Subaku... 1. 2. Start!" 

Both Shinobi jumped back. 

'He's like a timebomb, don't set him off ' Naruto's voice echoed in his head. He trusted Naruto on that information, but he wanted to know just how Naruto knew that information. Who told it to him, or was it completely obvious. Naruto seemed serious when he told him that. 'Don't play with him. Just beat him as quickly as possible '

'Don't go crazy, or else I'll be your opponent ' those words echoed in Garra's head. The Kyuubi was defiantly going to beat him, he didn't feel like dying. Besides in a way it was acknowledging his strength. The Uchiha wouldn't know what was coming.

'don't go crazy, I don't want foxy on our tail'


'hey kit, was it such a good idea to tell Shukaku to lay low.'

'I don't want my teammate dead' 

'But the Uchiha-' 

'Doesn't know what he's up against if we didn't threaten Shukaku'

'You don't really believe the Uchiha can win, even with our handicap'

 Naruto shrunk in on himself. 

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